Page 62 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
P. 62

Breed Standard

                         The English Toy Terrier

           General  appearance:  Well balanced, elegant        Eyes: Dark to black, without light shading from
           and compact, sleek and cleanly built.               iris. Relatively small, almond  shaped,  obliquely
                                                               set and sparkling, not prominent.
           Characteristics: Toy with Terrier characteristics.
                                                               Ears: Candle-flame shape, slightly pointed tips,
           Temperament:       Alert,  remembering      that
           historically he could acquit himself satisfactorily   placed high upon back of skull and proportionately
                                                               close together. A guide to size can be obtained
           in the rat pit. Never unduly nervous.
                                                               by bending ear forward –  it  should not reach
           Head and  skull:  Head  long,  narrow,  flat  skull,   eye. From nine months of age ear carriage must
           wedge-shaped  without emphasis of cheek             be erect. Entire inside of ear should face front.
           muscles, well filled up under eyes. Top and bottom   Leather of ear thin.
           jaws held tightly together within compressed lips.
                                                               Mouth: Jaws strong, with a perfect, regular and
           Slight stop. Foreface tapers gently to provide
           wedge-shaped  impression,  in  profile  similar  to   complete scissor bite, i.e.  upper teeth closely
                                                               overlapping  lower teeth and set square to the
           that seen when viewed from front.  Although
                                                               jaws. Teeth level and strong.
           an illusion of being  overshot can result, any
           suggestion of snipy appearance is undesirable.      Neck: Long, graceful, slightly arched. Shoulders
           Nose black.                                         well laid back. Line of neck flowing into shoulders,

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