Page 10 - 电子样书 2019快乐考生一轮讲练测 英语(人教版)
P. 10
必修 1 Unit1 Friendshi p
[ 针对训练] 单句语法填空
suchEn g lishFestivals. ( 1 ) ThisisthefirsttimethatI ( hear ) himsin g .
那是我第二次在这样的英语节中担任志愿者。 ( 2 ) Itwasthethirdtimethatthebo y ( be ) late.
Itis ( about / hi g h ) timethatwemade / shouldmakeadecision. ( 3 ) Itishi g htimethatwe ( take ) immediateaction
是我们作出决定的时候了。 tosolvethe p roblem.
( 4 ) Itstimeforus ( g o ) toschool.
在此句型中, 当主句为一般现在时或一般将来时时,
从句的谓语动词用现在完成时; 当主句为一般过去时
( 5 ) Therewasatime ever y oneso p inionwas
时, 从句的谓语动词用过去完成时。
Itis ( about / hi g h ) timethat+ 主语 +did ( 过去时)/ mineaswell.
shoulddo... 到了某人做……的时候了。 ( 6 ) Shenzhou Ⅺ wassuccessfull ylaunchedon October
Itistime ( forsb. ) todo... 到 了 ( 某 人) 做 …… 的 时 17th , 2016.
( 这是第三次) Jin gHai p en ghadbeentos p ace.
It / Therewasatimewhen... 那是 / 曾有……的时期。
Ⅰ. 单句语法填空 4.Iwasver yg ratefultoAnnaforg ivin gmetheo pp ortunit y
1.Thereisnosense ( u p set ) y ourselfaboutitnow. to j oinintheclub.
Lookforwardandever y thin gwillbeallri g ht.
2.Inaddition , usin gmobilep honeswilladd their 5.Iwantedtohaveawordwithher , butshei g noresmeand
p arentseconomicburdens. wentawa y .
3.Allthep eo p le ( concern ) withthecasewillbe
Ⅲ. 根据提示词或结构补全句子
q uestionedb y thep olice.
4. — Howdidy oup assthechallen g in g test ? 1. 这几天在室内待得很厌倦, 我们很想出去放松自己。( g et
— Itwasalon g time Ifoundaseriesofsuitable tiredof )
methods. , wearelon g in g
5.Humanbein g sandanimalsshouldg et wellwith tog ooutandrelaxourselves.
eachother. 2. 我不知道是否因为我的粗心, 史密斯先生很生气。( 强调
6.While ( travel ) in Euro p e , hefound man y 句型)
interestin g thin g sandex p erienceddifferentcultures. Iwonderif
7.Sincey ouhaveq uestions , wh ynotturntohimforsome Mr.Smithwasver yan g r y .
( ti p )? 3. 他们正在考虑趁房价未涨时把房子买下来。( before )
8.Theoldmanwentthrou g hman ydifficultiesand The yarethinkin gofbu y in g thehouse
( suffer ) alotfromthem. .
9.Davewent his p ocketslookin g fortheke y s. 4. 我坐在教室里做试卷时感到精力旺盛, 信心十足。( 状语
10.Withalotofdifficult p roblems ( settle ) newl y - 从句的省略)
electedp residentishavin gahardtime. , Ifelt
Ⅱ. 单句改错 confidentandwasfullofener gy .
1.Ifaileda g ain , butm yp arentsencoura g edmeandtoldme 5. 此外, 每位学生与外国朋友要和谐, 这使你容易与他们相
thatfailurewasthemotherofsuccess. 处。( g etalon gwith )
Inaddition , ever y studentcanbeinharmon ywithforei g n
2.Itwasnotuntilsheg othomewhenJenniferrealizedshe friends , .
hadlostherke y s.
3.Itwasrainin g catsanddo g s , thusaddedtotheirdifficult y in 请同学们注意完成课时微训练 1 。
trans p ortin g thesu pp liestotheearth q uake-strickenareas. 相信您的收获一定不小!
日积月累 Carr ywatertotheriver. 5
-3/ *ł 5+)