Page 4 - 2023 flip book
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                                                                                   14 Welcome
                                                                                   18 Events and Happenings
                                                                                   16 Outdoors

                                                                                   26 History and Heritage
                                                                                   34 Art and Culture
                                                                                   40 Food and Drink
                                                                                   52  Cumberland, MD
                                                                                   56 Frostburg, MD
                                                                                   68 Weddings
                 CONTENTS                                                          70 Places to Stay
                                                                                   81 Index of Adver琀sers

          06 Ge ng Here

          24 Trail Guide
          32 Museum Guide
          42 Dining Guide
          72 Lodging Guide
          80 Camping Guide

          20 “Birdwatching”
          22 “We’ve Got a Trail for That”
          25 “Scenic Overlooks”

          28 “The C&O Canal Scenic Byway”
          30 “African American History Sites”
          36 “Music in the Mountains”
          38 “Iconic Foods of Mountain Maryland”
          50 “Family Fun in the Mountains”
          62 “Frostburg State University
               Celebrates 125 Years”
          67  "The Night Life"

                                                                                      ON THE COVER

                                                                                      Photo by Switzerfilm
                                                                               A cyclist enjoys mountain biking along
                                                                             Rocky Gap State Park's Lakeside Loop Trail.
                                                        Digital Version
       Visit Mountain Maryland, the Official Des琀na琀on Guide for Allegany County, the Mountain Side of Maryland, is published by Nelson Marke琀ng Solu琀ons for the Allegany County Department of Tourism and is distributed as
       a free publica琀on. Ar琀cles, i琀neraries, adver琀sements, and paid lis琀ngs that appear in Visit Mountain Maryland are intended as a service to travelers and do not cons琀tute an endorsement by the Allegany County Department
       of Tourism of any business, organiza琀on, or a琀rac琀on. Informa琀on in this publica琀on is as correct as possible at press 琀me but is subject to change. Please call ahead to verify hours and informa琀on before traveling. Unless
       otherwise noted, most a琀rac琀ons are closed on major holidays. Reproduc琀on in whole or part of any photographs, maps or illustra琀ons without prior wri琀en consent is prohibited. ©Nelson Marke琀ng Solu琀ons
                                               For adver琀sing informa琀on:
                  NelsonMarke琀   •   301‐697‐0589    •
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