Page 209 - Wasserstoff Medizin
P. 209

glasses of water to feel the body’s almost instant response to hydration. Add some sodium
                  bicarbonate and the response is even greater.

                                                                 Courtesy of Brian D. Foltz

                  The first objective sign of dehydration is seen in the vital signs, in an increase of the pulse
                  rate between 10 and 15 percent. The body tries to maintain cardiac output (the amount of
                  blood that is pumped by the heart to the body); and if the amount of fluid in the
                  intravascular space is decreased, the body has to increase the heart rate, which causes
                  blood vessels to constrict to maintain blood pressure. Other common  symptoms of
                  dehydration may include nausea, fatigue, headaches, dry mouth  and reduced mental
                  Symptoms of moderate to severe dehydration include:

                         •  Low blood pressure
                         •  Severe headache
                         •  Fainting
                         •  Severe muscle contractions in the arms, legs, stomach, and back
                         •  Convulsions
                         •  A bloated stomach
                         •  Heart failure
                         •  Sunken fontanel—soft spot on an infant’s head
                         •  Sunken dry eyes, with few or no tears
                         •  Skin losing its firmness and becoming wrinkled
                         •  Lack of elasticity of the skin (when a bit of skin lifted up stays folded and
                             takes a long time to go back to its normal position)
                         •  Rapid and deep breathing, faster than normal
                         •  Fast, weak pulse

                  Dehydration, the simple lack of sufficient quantities of water affects cell life profoundly.
                  Water shortages in different parts of the body will manifest different signs and symptoms
                  (cries of thirst), but we normally do not think to treat the cause of the problem with water.
                  It is almost blasphemy among contemporary physicians to think that water can cause or
                  cure diseases.

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