Page 237 - Wasserstoff Medizin
P. 237

My patients have reported significant clinical benefits after several weeks of drinking the
                  hydrogen water 3 times daily and weekly treatments with the inhaler.

                  Clinical results in 5 patients.

                  Patient #1: 71  year old female (RN), presents  with a diagnosis of RA,  angioedema,
                  Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and osteoporosis. I have had her on a comprehensive nutritional
                  intervention program for several months. The addition of the combination H2 treatments
                  has made a significant difference in her clinical symptoms. Her thyroid antibody titers
                  have fallen within the normal range, and her RA flare ups have calmed down. She is very
                  pleased with the results and wants to continue taking the combined treatments
                  indefinitely. She drinks 3 glasses of H2 water daily and receives 2 treatments per week
                  for 60 minutes per session.

                  Patient #2: This patient is a 68 year old male who presented with brain fog, lack of
                  endurance and afternoon fatigue. After 2 weeks of the combined H2 therapy he reports a
                  marked increase in energy and no longer goes to sleep on the couch at 7:30 in the evening.
                  The brain fog is also improving and seems to respond extremely well to the H2 inhalation
                  treatments. He takes 1 tablet 4 times per day in 6 ounces of water and four 30 minute H2
                  inhalation treatments per week.

                  Patient #4: 52 year old male who presents with an anoxic brain injury secondary to a
                  medical error. He is confined to a wheel chair and has extreme difficulty with verbal
                  communication. He also receives a combination of Vital Reaction Tablets and Inhalation
                  therapy twice per week. Over the course of 11 weeks, his wife (caretaker) reports that she
                  is better able to transfer him from a sitting to a standing position. His memory has not
                  improved yet but his task orientation has clearly shown improvement over the past few

                  His wife also states that he is sleeping more soundly waking only one time during the
                  night. Prior to H2 therapy he would wake up  every 3 to 4 hours. She is considering
                  purchasing a unit to use at home.

                  Patient #5: 35 year old female with a clinical presentation of chronic fatigue, severe brain
                  fog and short term memory loss, epigastric pain with alternating constipation and
                  diarrhea. I have successfully treated her with a vigorous detoxification and nutritional
                  support regime. She recently came back in with a reoccurrence of some of her symptoms.
                  We decided to begin the H2 tablet and inhalant treatment in addition to her current
                  nutritional intervention program. Within 10 days she reported that her GI complaints had
                  significantly calmed down, a noticeable difference in daytime energy levels and a gradual
                  improvement in brain fog. She will continue to receive treatments for 90 days at which
                  point we will reevaluate her case.

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