Page 256 - Wasserstoff Medizin
P. 256
SoeMac can help to relax the lungs, enabling them to work more efficiently by increasing
the clearance of mucus which can create more lung “elasticity”. SoeMac can help to
enable more relaxed breathing, with less “fighting for breath” so that our body can get
more oxygen into our system, right down to the cellular level, where it is needed most.
A good night’s sleep is essential for our physical and mental wellbeing. During periods
of deep sleep our body carries out essential repair and regenerative work, and without
this, there can be a downward spiral in our energy, focus, and ability to enjoy our lives.
Experiment with SoeMac
Test apparatus: 3 SoeMac machines, in a wooden box, with air inlets on one side, and an
outlet tube connected to a simple face mask. Patient was hooked up to Dr.+ Peter Julu’s
machine which recorded many different readings, including BP, pulse, breathing, pO2, p
Initially patient’s readings were taken in a sitting position for 5-10 minutes, the laying
down for 5-10 minutes. Once the base line was established, the mask was used, and all 3
SoeMac were turned on, and run for 5 minutes. Then one was turned off, leaving 2
running, for a further 5 minutes, and then another was switched off, leaving just 1 running
for a further 5 minutes. Then this was also turned off, and patient underwent a 5 minute
“wash-out” period with no machines running.
The pO2 results were recorded as follows;
No machine 80mm Hg
3 machines 119mm Hg
2 machines 108mm Hg
1 machine 96mm Hg
His conclusions so far are;
1. The SoeMac boosts molecular oxygen in the body
2. The output of the SoeMac is constant
3. The output is proportional to the number of machines
The SoeMac has changed my life.
Andrew Norton with COPD /Diabetes. February 2015
I joined the Coldstream Guards in 1962 AS 23929889 GDSM A. Norton GM 2nd
Battalion. When in Aden on 24th October 1964, I was blown up on a MK7 Anti Tank
Mine with 3 Mortar Bombs under it. It took my Officer’s left leg off above the knee. I
suffered burns and sand blasting to most of my body. Most explosives are poisons when