Page 56 - Demo
P. 56

Referral and word of mouth marketing is one of the highest converting marketing tactics. This guidebook will help you decide what you want to give away to the business giving the referral, how to position your referral, and how to set this up on your microsite.
First, what would you like to give to the business giving the referral. There are 2 approaches to this.
1) Give something small to your customer upon the submission of the referral
2) Give something of value upon closure of the referral business.
CMIT Solutions recommends the second approach, but ulti- mately this is up for your location to decide. Giveaways could be an iPad, a vacation, a computer mouse, 1 month free on your next managed service agreement, a free assessment, a discount on a product, 2 hours free time, a free dark web scan, or a com- puter. Referral rewards not limited to above examples.
Part 1: Explains the incentive
If a referral program offers an incentive, you’ll likely see it in the slogan. When people see the dollar signs or the word free, they are instantly intrigued.
Part 2: Discusses how to achieve the incentive
If the incentive is listed, you’ll likely state how to earn it. One word alone can cover this component, for example, “give” or “share”.
Part 3 (optional): Covers the reason for the referral program
This one isn’t used quite as much, but when there is no incen- tive or the business wants to spin away from traditional slogans, you’ll see this component used. It usually helps explain why the person should refer, “Don’t keep us a secret”, or “Be a hero”, etc. are used in this sense. These types of statements can be added and combined with the parts mentioned above to create an insightful slogan that packs a punch.
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