Page 9 - Pathways Book for 2020
P. 9

It’s OK if you don’t know what you want to do in the future. Studying a broad range of
                   subjects will keep your career options open. Keeping up with English, Mathematics and
                   at least one Science subject is a good place to start.

                   Here is a useful checklist

                            Start with your GEMS teacher

                           Talk over your choices with your parents and whānau

                           Talk to your teachers and Careers Advisers.

                           Talk to Careers New Zealand Advisers if you need more help. Call 0800 222 733
                           or chat online. This is a free service.

                   Helpful Websites

                   When planning for a career you can find careers information from the following
                   information sources:
                       •  The Careers Department Staff;
                       •  Appropriate tertiary training provider booklets;
                       •  Youth Guarantee Website for Vocational Pathways Information;
                       •  CareersNZ Website for all careers information
                       •  Career Quest to assist in career selection;
                       •  Careers Information Leaflets;
                       •  Jobs Galore Manual
                       •  SHGC Website homepage and click on the “Careers Information” tab.

                   University Pathway
                   It is important that subjects chosen in Year 13 meet the requirements for the university
                   course being considered including any rank score requirements of the university.

                   English is strongly recommended, where possible, for all students at Level 3. No matter
                   what tertiary course you plan to undertake, the ability to communicate effectively,
                   orally and in written form is very important. Year 13 English will assist your development
                   in these areas.

                   In many cases entry into university courses is becoming more competitive. A pre-
                   determined total of credits may be required over a number of subjects from a
                   prescribed list, to produce a rank score. In some instances, there are also specific
                   subject requirements. It is important for all students planning on attending universities
                   to be aware of the requirements to enter their chosen course of study.
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