Page 3 - HOLIDAY FW19-R1-USEN-HolidayBrochure-Final-4web
P. 3

                                                                         6.5″ tall, 25W
                                                                   This enduring symbol of faith will
                                                                 bring light and everlasting warmth to
                                                                       your holiday home.

           G $45
         6.5″ tall, 25W
     This merrymaker delivers
       his special brand of
       holiday cheer with
     dazzling light and glitter
      that sparkles like falling
                                                            have faith

                 FROSTY GLOW G $40
                       6″ tall, 25W
               FROSTY GLOW MINI G $20
                     4″ tall, 15W, glass                                          ANGELIC G $20
             Why is Frosty all smiles? He’ll never melt!                          4.5″ tall, 15W, glass
             This cheery guy lights up the gloomiest                               With its timeless
             winter days, and only melts hearts (and                               symbol of peace
                yummy-smelling Scentsy wax).                                      and reassuring glow,
                                                                                  Angelic will bring a
              Purchase both warmers $60 $50 —                                      quiet serenity to
                       save $10!                                                      any space.

                                                                                 MENORAH   R  $20
                                                                                  4″ tall, 15W, ceramic
                                                                                  Nine softly lit candles
                                                                                  surround Menorah, a
                                                                                  festival of lights and

                Mini Warmer Tabletop Base sold separately.
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