Page 2 - OZONE UNITED - 2017 Election Results & 5 Year Consolidated Financial Snapshot
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Rustomjee's OZONE Cooperative Housing Society Limited
                ELECTION RESULTS “MANAGING COMMITTEE - 2017-2021”

                               FROM ALL OF US AT TEAM OZONE UNITED

                                       THANK YOU


       We are happy to share our “First” Election Results of coming together as a team, which was completed
       successfully under the supervision of “State Co-operative Election Authority“ constituted by the State Government
       under section 73CB and with the cooperation of the outgoing Managing Committee. We, sincerely are grateful for
       your confidence placed in OZONE UNITED candidates, and as a result, many of our candidates performed strongly
       and exceeded our own expectations.

       We are extremely delighted and proud of Smt. Priti Harish Shriyan (elected from General Category) and Smt.
       Niyati Nee Vaishali Somaya (elected from Women Category) and Thank You, All for your massive support.

       Your elected representatives of our Managing Committee have chosen the 3 most important post’s of Rustomjee’s
       Ozone Cooperative Housing Society Limited by vote of hands, they are as follows;
       1. Hon. Chairman, Shri. Saraf Ramratan Sohanlal   : Tower 6, 1201
       2. Hon. Secretary, Shri Vikal Surendra Satyaprakash  : Tower 5, 1502/1602
       3. Hon. Treasurer, Shri Khandelwal Shri Ram Surajmal  : Tower 3, 501
       4. 12 Working Committee Members - Refer to table 4

       We wish our Office bearers and Managing Committee Members, all the very best for a successful tenure of 5 years
       under oath, to serve our Cooperative Society and manage it’s business, in the best interest of our Society it’s
       Owners, Members, Shareholders and Residents.
       OZONE UNITED team and 2 of our Managing Committee elected representatives, have a proven track record of
       active involvement on a Day-to-Day basis. We have provided timely guidance to the previous Managing
       Committees and General Body in the most important business of our Cooperative. This is reflective of our deep
       cooperative values of self help, self motivation and high ethical standards that will continue to benefit Owners,
       Members, Shareholders & Residents in matters of;

       Task Forces – Project Completion time 6-12 months (Major Task relating to legal, major upgrades & govt. affairs)
       1. Conveyance - Land, Buildings, Common Areas, Amenities transferred to the name of our Cooperative Society.
       2. Fire & Lift : Operations & Safety – Initiated review with OTIS for proposed upgrades and achieve zero downtime.
       3. Security & CCTV Access Controls – Integration to Mobile App for secure login access by members for their floors.
       4. Mobile App & Portal – Proposals received, Demo’s arranged from 1. ApartmentADDA 2. Touch Point & others.
       Working Committee – On going day-to-day activities (Activites relating to daily & long term sustainability)
       1. Waste Management
       OZONE UNITED team look forward to your continued and valued support and to be entrusted as your
       representatives for the “Advisory Committee – Grievance” that will be appointed by the General Body, as per
       amendments made to No 173 & 175 of the Bye Laws of MCST Act 1960. The appointment of an Advisory
       Committee by the “General Body” is recommended by Maharashtra Govt. to ensure smooth functioning of large
       Cooperative Housing Society such as for first line resolution internally, before moving Dy. Registrar, Competent
       Courts for effective and faster relief.

       As part of the Advisory Committee, our team will be available to address Member, Shareholders & Residents
       Grievances, if not dealt with within 15 days of a written complaint by our elected Managing Committee Members.
       The Advisory Committee’s role will be to take up such matters promptly with the Managing Committee Members
       to ensure timely redressal and disposal of matters prescribed under the bye laws.
       We continue to work collaboratively and cooperatively with our Managing Committee Members in the long term 2
       interest of our Cooperative Society.
                                                                                    Team OZONE UNITED
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