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               Aniwat Kaewjomnong. (2016). “Leadership of Entrepreneurs and Management of Small and
                     Medium-sized Enterprises in Songkhla Province,” In Proceeding at the 11st International

                     Conference Inter-University Cooperation Program Community Knowledge Networks for
                     the Economy, Society, Culture, and Environmental Stability. 2 Session 7-10. (p.411- 419).

                     Nepal: Kathmandu University.

               Aniwat  Kaewjomnong  and  Jidapa  Suvanarerk.  (2015).  “Problems  of  Awareness  of  ASEAN
                     Economic  Community  Readiness  of  Small  Enterprises,”  In  Proceeding  at  the  10th

                     International  Conference  Inter-University  Cooperation  Program  “ASEAN  Community

                     Knowledge Networks for the Economy, Society, Culture, and Environmental Stability. 2
                     Session 7-10. (p.411-419). Nepal: Kathmandu University.

               Aniwat Kaewjomnong. (2014). “Current State, Problems of Awareness of ASEAN Economic

                     Community Readiness of Small Enterprises,” In Proceeding at the 10th International
                     Conference  Inter-University  Cooperation  Program  “ASEAN  Community  Knowledge

                     Networks for the Economy, Society, Culture, and Environmental Stability. 2 Session 7-
                     10. (p.107-114). Republic of the Union of Myanmar: University of Mandalay.

               Aniwat  Kaewjomnong.  (2013).  “Community’s  Participation,  Problems  and  Prevention  of

                     Coastal Erosion to Songkhla Lake for the Enhancement of Coastal Environment: A case
                     Study  of  Koh  Yor,  Songlhla  Province,”  In  Proceeding  at  the  9th  International

                     Conference  Inter-University  Cooperation  Program  “ASEAN  Community  Knowledge
                     Networks for the Economy, Society, Culture, and Environmental Stability. 2 Session 7-

                     10. (p.107-114). Brunei Darussalam: The Rizqun International Hotel.

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                     ผ่านความร่วมมือพหุภาคีระหว่างภาครัฐ องคกรวิชาการและภาคประชาสังคม : กรณีศึกษาพื้นที่จังหวัด
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