Page 10 - EW July 2021 final
P. 10


             AVOID SINO-INDIA WAR AT ALL COSTS                                 growth per year for over two decades.
                                                                               This transformed the country into a
                                                                               manufacturing and industrial power-
                  ven  as  12  rounds  of  talks  are   First, because the PLA (People’s Lib-  house and the world’s second largest
                  stalled between  top Chinese   eration Army) backed by China’s $15   superpower after the United States,
             Eand  Indian  troop  command-    trillion technologically superior econ-  surpassing Russia in the process.
             ers in eastern Ladakh, where patrols   omy (cf. India’s $3 trillion), is certain   Meanwhile even after the belated
             from both countries clashed on the   to repeat its famous victory of the   liberalisation and deregulation of the
             banks of lake Tsang Po in May 2020   Sino-India border war of 1962.    Indian economy in 1991, it’s been two
             resulting in the death of 20 jawans of   In the circumstances the BJP/NDA   steps forward and one back with In-
             the Indian Army and an unspecified   government at the Centre has no op-  dia averaging a 5 percent annual GDP
             number  of  Chinese  soldiers,  media   tion  but  to  parley  with  CPC  (Com-  growth rate since 1978, a pathetic lag-
             reports indicate that on orders of the   munist Party of China) leaders and   gard in the international development
             BJP/NDA government, the Indian   negotiate a permanent settlement of   race.
             Army is engaged in a massive infra-  the 3,488 km Sino-India border in   Against this backdrop even as the
             structure development drive on our   the north and north-east which has   Covid-19 pandemic has further en-
             side of the LAC (line of actual control).     been pending settlement for over half   feebled the economy, display of false
             The objective is to enable swifter mo-  a century. The price of relative neglect   bravado by way of risking a military
             bility of 50,000-60,000 Indian troops   of our national development effort for   conflict with China which has recov-
             and weapon systems in forward areas.   the past four decades has to be paid.   ered from the pandemic in record
             With several divisions of communist   It’s chastening to note that in 1978   time,  would be national suicide. The
             China’s People’s Liberation Army   the national and per capita GDP of   public interest demands a bona fide
             (PLA) also reportedly dug in on the   India and China was on a par. But in   return to the negotiating table, and
             other side of the LAC, this area could   that watershed year, under the vision-  obtaining the best possible terms
             become the flashpoint of a new Sino-  ary leadership of CPC secretary Deng   for permanent resolution of the pro-
             India border war at any time.    Xiaoping our neighbour nation took a   tracted Sino-India border dispute. We
                At this point in our history when   historic U-turn to firmly place China   must if necessary concede this battle
             the economy is struggling to recover   on the capitalist road. Given full rein   to win the war with the 100 million-
             after the worst recession in post-inde-  and official support, China’s entre-  strong CPC which is not only bullying
             pendent India, even a limited border   preneurs grew the economy at break-  all Asian countries, but oppressing the
             war with China will be a catastrophe.   neck speed averaging 10 percent GDP   billion people of China.

             GIRL CHILDREN DROPPING OUT DANGER                                 ments in Indian education in the new
                                                                               millennium is general acceptance that
                                                                               girl children are entitled to primary-
                t  doesn’t  make  headline  news.  but   A January 2021 report by the   secondary education. Even partly
                evidence is emerging that the   Delhi-based RTE Forum estimates   educated women marry in adult age,
             Ishutdown of all pre-primary and   that since March 2020, when all 1.6   bear fewer and healthier children, and
             K-12  schools  countrywide  for  over   million schools countrywide were   are likely to participate in the formal
             15 months for fear of children being   ordered to shut down, 10 million girl   labour market and boost household
             infected by the novel Coronavirus, is   children have dropped out of second-  incomes.
             likely to blight the future of tens of   ary education. It warns that India’s   NHFS-5 data indicates that a ris-
             millions of India’s children, especially   stringent closure of schools has “dis-  ing number of rural girl children were
             the girl child.                  proportionately impacted girls by   dropping out of school even before the
                According to the National Family   putting them at risk of early marriage,   Covid-19 pandemic struck India. This
             Health Survey (NFHS)-5 2019-20,   early pregnancy, poverty, trafficking   situation is likely to go from bad to
             enrolment of girl children in rural   and violence”.              worse following the extended closure
             secondaries has dropped sharply in   The sharp increase in the number   of education institutions countrywide.
             18 states across the country. As a re-  of girl children in rural India, which   Indeed there’s  a clear and present
             sult attainment of the United Nations   ungraciously hosts 65.5 percent of   danger that a substantial proportion
             Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)   the country’s 1.35 billion population,   of gains of post-independence India’s
             of ‘gender equality to empower all   dropping out — or being forced to drop   women’s emancipation movement
             women and girls’ by 2030 is in high   out — of school is likely to adversely   will be lost.
             jeopardy. Ironically, in Gujarat where   impact the country’s female labour   According to an ancient Chinese
             Narendra Modi was chief minister   force participation (FLFP), a marker   proverb, women hold up half the sky.
             from 2001-14, prior to being elevated   of economic development. According   The trend lines of NHFS and declin-
             to the office of prime minister, the   to World Bank data in marked con-  ing FLFP require the urgent attention
             proportion of girl children in rural   trast to OECD countries where FLFP   of government, policy planners and
             higher secondary education (classes   averages 54 percent, India’s FLFP was   educators countrywide, if the national
             XI-XII) has plunged to 29.2 percent   20.3 percent in 2020, lower than of   aspiration to transform India into a $5
             from 97 percent enroled in primary   Pakistan and Afghanistan.    trillion economy by 2024 is not to be-
             school (2019-20).                  One of the few positive develop-  come a pipedream.

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