Page 9 - EducationWorld June 2022_Neat
P. 9

                                   ‘SJIS Nurturing a Generation

                                   of Entrepreneurs’

                                   Dr. Hina Shah, founder-director, shares the aim and objective of
                                   entrepreneurship education in Satyameva Jayate International School (SJIS)

             What inspired you to start                                        different, adventurous, creative and
             Entrepreneurship Education way back                               fearless.
             in 2000?                                                            Self-worth -- Self-worth cannot be
             With over three decades of experience                             damaged or taken away, it is always
             in entrepreneurship at the state, national                        there. But for many people, it lies hidden
             and international levels, I realised there                        behind defensive walls. Entrepreneurship
             are more job seekers than job creators                            Education makes our children realize their
             in our country, and that entrepreneurship                         Self Worth.
             development was the only way to                                     Self-reliance -- We encourage
             address the issue. India urgently needs                           entrepreneurial values from an early age,
             young people with entrepreneurial skills,                         by developing skills like goal setting,
             ready to take over or start businesses,                           problem solving, perseverance and
             to create opportunities for themselves                            teamwork.
             and for others. I believe implementing   Value for money is a hard lesson to teach.   The MEE for schools is unique in the
             Entrepreneurship Education (EE) in   However, Entrepreneurship Education   sense that it is the only model available
             schools from the primary level will not   ensures children learn easily about money   in India for school- level entrepreneurship
             only shape the mindsets of young people   matters.                education. This model comprises
             but also provide the skills and knowledge   Learning from failure is an essential   ten exclusive modules with detailed
             that are central to developing an   skill for entrepreneurs. To do this,   curriculum, material, kits, etc. for each
             entrepreneurial culture.         Entrepreneurship Education helps children   class and taught every week along
                In 2000, I established Satyameva   frame criticism as a learning opportunity   with other subjects. The training is fully
             Jayate International School (SJIS) with   by helping them practice the skill or   participatory and encourages self-learning.
             a mission to nurture a generation of   brainstorm what they could do differently.  All modules contain a step-by-step guide
             entrepreneurs through my Model for   Letting children make decisions,   for teachers/trainers so they can easily
             Entrepreneurship Education (MEE).  implementing them and learning from the   facilitate entrepreneurship teaching in
                                              outcomes is an interesting component of   schools in a fun-filled and interesting way.
             Why entrepreneurship education from   Entrepreneurship Education.
             class I?                                                          What is your message to parents and
             Entrepreneurship as a concept is not   What are the salient features of   teachers of our country?
             exclusive to entrepreneurs or business-  your Model on Entrepreneurship in   I believe Entrepreneurial skills are
             minded individuals, rather it is more of an   Education (MEE) for Schools?  essential for children because it helps
             attitude and a way of life that induces the   Satyameva Jayate International School   develop high self-esteem, self-worth
             spirit and inquisitiveness to think in new   is the only school in India that teaches   and self-reliance. Moreover, modern
             ways and adapt to life’s challenges. In a   Entrepreneurship in classes I-X. As   day jobs require its employees to
             dynamic economy like ours where over   attitudes and cultural references take   have entrepreneurial mind-sets.
             50 percent of the population is below age   place at an early age, entrepreneurship   Entrepreneurship skills also stimulate
             25, entrepreneurship is a key generator of   education at primary school level can play   curious minds and help children challenge
             economic development and innovation.  a major role.               the status quo as against following rules
                Several subjects can be simultaneously   The salient features of the SJIS Model   blindly.
             taught through Entrepreneurship such as   for Entrepreneurship Education are:  Note- SJIS Model for
             math, finance, economics, art, languages,   Self-esteem -- Through   Entrepreneurship Education is
             without children even realising it! During   Entrepreneurship Education, we build a   available to School/Parents/Teachers to
             that time, children develop self-confidence   high self-esteem within children, which   bring the change in a child, for details
             which helps them become self-reliant.   makes them loving, unique, spontaneous,   write to

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