Page 24 - Education World September 2021
P. 24
Education Briefs
Shycocan-EW webinar invited. from Spring (January) 2022 to Afghan
“With TIFA, our School of Liberal students who have completed a Mas-
Bengaluru, august 27. The Benga- Arts & Sciences offers a unique op- ters programme or M.Phil. JGU will
luru-based Shycocan Corporation, portunity to high school students to provide residential accommodation,
a company engaged in the business stimulate their creative thinking and dining hall facility and annual health
of manufacturing and marketing a develop the art of narration through insurance coverage in addition to the
comprehensive FDA (USA)-approved the film medium. This contest will be fellowship, to research scholars.
device that provides 99 percent pro- a gateway into the world of cinema for “This is a modest effort of JGU to
tection from the novel Coronavirus in talented, young individuals and help demonstrate our solidarity and com-
indoor spaces, in collaboration with them showcase their creativity. The mitment to the promotion of higher
EducationWorld, hosted a webinar ti- last date for submission is September education opportunities for students
tled: ‘Empowering Education Institu- 30,” said Prof. Y.S.R. Murthy, vice of Afghanistan. Our aim is to support
tions to Reopen Safely’ on August 27. chancellor, RV University, speaking and provide higher education oppor-
Panelists included Dr. Joseph Em- on the occasion. tunities to Afghan nationals whose
manuel, director, CBSE; Alok Sharma, pursuit of educational goals may have
CEO, Shycocan Corporation; Dr. Muf- ABWA expansion plan been disrupted due to the ongoing
fazal Lakdawala, the reputed Mum- crisis in the region,” says Dr. C. Raj
bai-based surgeon; Dr. Swati Popat MuMBai, august 2. The high-ranked Kumar, founding vice chancellor of
Vats, president, Early Childhood As- Aditya Birla World Academy (ABWA), JGU (estb.2009).
sociation; Dr. Ashok Pandey, director, Mumbai, announced a major expan-
Ahlcon Group of Schools, Delhi and sion of its campus in south Mumbai. Sania Mirza MasterClass
Neha Kare Kanabar, founder, UNIMO Under a new infrastructure devel-
— Universe of Moms. opment plan, the school will add two MuMBai, august 4. The Mumbai-
The panelists debated the pros and new sections in class XI — for Cam- based Leadership Boulevard Pvt. Ltd
cons of online education and in-class bridge ‘A’ level and IB students — and (LEAD), which has partnered with
schooling, and highlighted the plight new sections in classes VIII and XI over 2,000 K-12 schools countrywide
of children from low-income house- from the academic year 2022-23 on- to raise teaching-learning standards,
holds dependent on free mid-day ward. Under the expansion plan, the launched its second online Master-
meals provided in government an- school will construct a new building, Class with tennis star Sania Mirza
ganwadis and primary schools. a science lab, design studio, 12 class- for over 800,000 students of its part-
In this connection, Shycocan rooms, innovation lab and swimming ner schools. In the online programme,
Corporation’s FDA approved plug- pool. Mirza exhorted students to adopt
and-play wall-mounted device that “We believe every school’s infra- healthy lifestyles through fitness and
“produces hypercharge high velocity structure plays a significant role in the yoga programmes to counter limited
electrons that reduce infectivity and holistic and academic development of physical activity and anxiety during
prevent air and surface-borne trans- students and teachers. Investment in the pandemic era.
mission of the Corona family of vi- expanding and improving ABWA in- “The pandemic should not come
ruses can play a vital role in enabling frastructure will enhance the academ- in the way of pursuit of our dreams.
education institutions to safely restart ic performance of our students,” said Fitness and yoga is a great way for
indoor in-person classes,” said Alok Neerja Birla, founder-chairperson children to build physical and mental
Sharma, CEO, Shycocan Corp. of the Aditya Birla Education Trust, strength. In the present context, it is
speaking on the occasion. important that schools provide these
RV’s TIFA initiative opportunities to students,” said Mirza,
speaking on the occasion.
Bengaluru, august 17. RV University, JGU presents ADVANCE Added Sumeet Mehta, co-found-
Bengaluru’s School of Liberal Arts sonipat, august 30. In a humanitarian er of the company: “Our mission is to
& Sciences, announced a Teen Indie education initiative, O.P. Jindal Glob- make holistic education accessible and
Film Awards (TIFA) competition for al University, Sonipat (JGU) launched affordable to every child. Where would
high school (classes IX-XII) students. a special Advancement of Afghan Na- children otherwise have a chance to
Entries of short video films (3-7 tionals in Comprehensive Education attend live classes from Chetan Bha-
minutes) in one of five thematic cat- (ADVANCE) fellowships for students gat or Sania Mirza? LEAD brings this
egories: Nature and Environment; from Afghanistan. A total of ten fel- to them because we believe that chil-
Local History and Legends; My Hero lowships will be awarded under this dren from small towns, if given access
(family, teachers, or community); initiative. and opportunity, can shine as bright
Being a Teen, and Abstract Art, are The fellowships will be available as students from metros.”