Page 4 - Education World September 2021
P. 4

From the


                      Volume X XII No.9

              BOARD OF ADVISORS
              N.R. Narayana Murthy, H.V. Gowthama, Shukla
              Bose, Dr. Glenn Christo, Dr. R. Natarajan   T
              (Bangalore); Adi Godrej, Dr. Augustine Pinto,   he greatest tragedy of post-independence India’s national devel-
              Krishan Khanna, Guilherme Vaz, Ketan Gala,   opment effort is an egregious failure to develop its abundant and
              Kirit Mehta, Balkishan Sharma (Mumbai); Dr.
              Ramdas Pai (Manipal); Dr. Geeta Kingdon   high-potential human capital. The inherent capabilities of the
              (Lucknow); Rajiv Desai, Dr. Parth Shah, Jeroninio   country’s people are evidenced by consistently rising agriculture
              Almeida, Premchand Palety (Delhi);  Dr. Kannan
              Gireesh (Chennai); Robindra Subba (Kurseong);   and industry output and the steady growth of the services sector
              Sanjeev Bolia (Kolkata); Dr. Achyuta Samanta   despite the majority populace having continuously experienced sub-optimal
              (Bhubaneswar); Shyama Thakore (London)
                                              education for over seven decades. As highlighted by eminent contemporary
              EDITOR                          historian Dr. Ramachandra Guha in an interview with EducationWorld
              Dilip Thakore                   (
              MANAGING EDITOR                 andra-guha), the greatest mistake of post-independent India’s leadership was
              Summiya Yasmeen                 failure to universalise primary education.
              CHIEF SUB-EDITOR                  Indian society has paid a heavy price for this myopic failure to nurture
              Sundar Anand                    and develop its human capital. In its 75th year of independence, the Republic
              Paromita Sengupta, Reshma Ravishanker, Gopi   ungraciously hosts the world’s largest number of comprehensive illiterates
              Chand N, (Bangalore), Autar Nehru (Delhi)   and total factor, industry, agriculture and government productivity is lowest
              9868256512, Baishali Mukherjee (Kolkata)
              9836491981, Shivani Chaturvedi (Chennai)   among major countries. Moreover, it’s well-documented that in the country’s
              9500506102, Dipta Joshi (Mumbai) 9920243111  1 million government rural primaries notorious for crumbling buildings,
              CHIEF EXECUTIVE                 pathetic sanitation and chronic teachers truancy, over 50 percent of class V
              Bhavin Shah +91 9867382867      children can’t read or understand class II textbooks or solve simple sums.
              MARKETING                         It’s against this backdrop that Dharmendra Pradhan, hitherto Union
              West: Tejas Pattni (General Manager) 9022487997  minister for petroleum and natural gas, has been appointed Union educa-
              E-mail:  tion, skills and entrepreneurship minister. In keeping with the tradition of
              South India: S. Vijaya Lakshmi 98456 80696
              Poonam Shah 9731966373          BJP/NDA education ministers, who know little about public accountabil-
              North: Hannan Ahmed 9810302768  ity, Pradhan didn’t respond to our entreaties to grant an interview or even
              GRAPHICS                        respond to an emailed questionnaire. This despite the unchallenged status of
              Suresh K.                       EducationWorld (estb. 1999) as the country’s premier education news and fea-
              SUBSCRIPTIONS                   tures publication. Nevertheless in this issue, we assess the chances of the new
              Kiran Kumar: 9108225694/        education minister succeeding in overcoming two formidable challenges that
              080 43711141                    confront him — quickly placing the pandemic-derailed education system back
                                              on the rails and simultaneously implementing the National Education Policy
              ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION: RS.1700  (NEP) 2020. To enable the minister to scale these daunting peaks, we present
              Cheques/drafts in favour of DT Media &   valuable expert advice about drawing up priorities from some of the country’s
              Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore  most knowledgeable and successful education leaders. In the national interest,
              EDITORIAL                       Pradhan should heed this advice.
              C3-36, 3rd Floor, Devatha Plaza   Our constructive cover story apart, there’s much else in this autumn issue
              131 Residency Road, Bangalore 560 025.   of EW.  The special report written by Delhi-based journalist Abhilasha Ojha
              Tel: 080 22480880; Fax: 2227 5962;
              E-mail:   highlights the selfless herculean efforts of several education evangelists to
                                              keep the flame of learning alive in rural India. Also check out the comment
              Printed and published by Dilip Thakore on behalf
              of DT Media & Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.   columns including an abridged version of a lecture by Dr. K. Kasturirangan
              Printed at Rajhans Enterprises, 134, 4th Main, In-  and erudite historian Dr. Gitanajali Surendran.
              dustrial Town, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-44. Published   Stay well, stay safe.
              at C3-36, 3rd Floor, Devatha Plaza, 131 Residency
              Road. Bangalore 560 025.
              Editor Dilip Thakore.
              RNI No. KARENG/1999/00234

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