Page 56 - Education World September 2021
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             with active and staggered screen-                                                and IIM-Amritsar
             time. We began with Learn@Home,                                                  (2018-2019).
             a live, interactive online programme                                               While teaching
             with carefully curated age-appro-                                                at IIM-Amritsar,
             priate content. This was followed                                                Sharma conceptu-
             up with Kare@Home, an in-person,                                                 alised a network-
             at-home care and learning solution                                               ing platform for
             to suit the needs of families. Our                                               research scholars
             teachers and caregivers delivered                                                and in 2018
             ECCE at home to 4,000 households                                                 invested Rs.3 lakh
             across India. With preschools and                                                from her personal
             primary-secondaries shuttered for                                                savings to co-
             over 16 months and counting, we are                                              promote Ink-
             constantly innovating and expanding                                              pothub together
             our portfolio to ensure that critical                                            with student
             foundational learning of youngest   Dr. Anita Sharma: indefatigable academic-entrepreneur  Nishant Singh.
             children doesn’t stop. Moreover                                                  The very same
             early this year, we introduced KLAY   edge. A polio survivor, Sharma is   year, she promoted DOMO. In 2019,
             Enrich which offers a range of   also the founder of Drive On My Own   Sharma quit academia and became a
             online extra-curricular activities for   (DOMO, estb.2018), the country’s   full-time entrepreneur.
             children in the 3-16 years age group,   first driving school for persons with   Direct talk. “In 2018, while I was
             followed by our newest initiative   disabilities.                 reading for my Ph D at IIM-Indore
             Klaytopia,” says Srikanth.         Inkpothub’s valued clients include   I became aware that most higher
             Future plans. Encouraged by the   several IIMs; Jaipuria Institute of   ed institutions other than the IIMs
             rising demand for the company’s   Management, Noida; IMT, Ghazi-  didn’t provide mentors for research
             at-home and hybrid programmes    abad; Fortune Institute of Inter-  scholars. That’s when the idea of
             for early learners, Srikanth has a   national Business, among others.   Inkpothub was born. Since then,
             detailed roadmap for the future.   Moreover, DOMO has certified 110   additional investment of Rs.10 lakh
             “We know that school campuses    people with disabilities.        over the past three years has enabled
             may be no-go zones for most of   Newspeg. On International Women’s   us to upgrade the platform into a
             2021, if not the entire academic year.   Day (March 8), the All India Profes-  marketplace for professors to find
             Therefore, our focus is on continuous   sionals’ Congress — professional   the right fit for research positions
             innovation to improve our online   wing of the Indian National Congress   and students, the finest mentors.
             hybrid and at-home ECCE while    — in association with Star Founda-  Currently, we have signed up 22
             also keeping our ears to the ground   tion included Sharma among 21   mentors for our 145 students. My
             to address the needs of families   women achievers felicitated with   DOMO dream was also realised in
             struggling with the impact of the   ‘The Most Inspiring Woman of Raj-  2018. I used my customised car that
             pandemic on their children and   asthan Award 2021’.              I have been driving for 20 years as a
             maintaining learning continuity,”   History. Sharma was just six months   training vehicle for my students and
             says Srikanth.                   of age when the dreaded polio    this venture now provides in-person
                     Paromita Sengupta (Bengaluru)  virus struck her, paralyzing her   driving workshops countrywide.
                                              from waist down. Nine surgeries   Our mission is to enable physically
             Exemplary                        later, she is able to walk with   challenged individuals to travel
                                                                               to destinations and places of their
                                              crutches and calipers. Nevertheless,
             entrepreneur                     Sharma pressed on to graduate    choice without depending on others,”
                                                                               says Sharma.
                                              in business management from
                                              Rajasthan University and Banasthali   Future plans. Encouraged by the
                   dupreneur DR. ANITA        Vidyapeeth, and was awarded a        success of Inkpothub and DOMO,
                   SHARMA is the Jaipur-based   Ph D by IIM-Indore for her thesis   this indefatigable academic
             Eco-founder of Stuprorefying     on disability and entrepreneurship.   entrepreneur has drawn up
             Pvt. Ltd aka Inkpothub (estb.2018),   In 2006, Sharma began teaching   ambitious plans for the future.
             a unique networking platform for   as assistant professor of Banasthali   “Our focus will be on maximising
             research scholars, professors and   Vidyapeeth (2006-2011). This   Inkpothub’s online presence. I
             students to collaborate, organise   was followed by stints at Thapar   intend to invest Rs.5 crore over
             research studies and share knowl-  University, Chandigarh, IIM-Indore   the next three years to develop the

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