Page 109 - EW December 2020
P. 109
rate league tables rating and ranking
the country’s 300 most respected BPS
cationworld-february-2020/). How-
ever because of the disruption of our
publishing calendar, we are obliged
to publish BPS league tables in this
year-end issue’s EWISR 2020-21 Part
II cover story, which also includes
league tables rating and ranking the
country’s most reputed boarding and
international schools.
To compile the EW India Budget
Private Schools Rankings 2020-21,
the well-reputed Delhi-based mar-
ket research company Centre for
Forecasting & Research (C fore, estb.
2000) interviewed 1,000 SEC (socio-
economic category) C, D and E par- NMS-Kadapa’s Siva Sankar Reddy (right): Andhra #1 morale booster
ents and teachers to rate and rank
BPS in 73 cities/towns on 11 param- them access online classes from any versity and chairman of the Nagar-
eters of school education excellence. digital device at home, enabling high juna Group of Institutions that man-
In this year’s 173-strong BPS na- 80 percent full-time attendance,” says ages Nagarjuna Model School,
tional league table, the sample re- Bharat Malik, promoter-director of Kadapa (NMS-K, estb.1990), is
spondents have voted St. Mary’s the flagship K-10 Maharashtra state very pleased with the promotion of
High School, Kalyan (promoted by board-affiliated St. Mary’s High this affordable BPS (annual tuition
Mumbai-based BPS champion Bharat School, Kalyan (estb.1989) which fees: Rs.20,000-30,000) to #3 (4)
Malik) #1, displacing Muni Interna- has an enrolment of 1,980 students this year.
tional School (MIS), Delhi. This and 30 Microsoft-certified teachers “I am honoured by NMS-K’s na-
year, MIS is ranked #2 jointly with on its muster rolls (annual tuition fee: tional #3 and especially #1 rank in
Mukkaram Jah School, Hyder- Rs.22,000). Andhra Pradesh. This is a great mo-
abad (#2 in Feb 2020), Nagarjuna Similarly Siva Sankar Reddy, an rale booster for our teachers. In the
Model School, Kadapa is pro- engineering alum of Gulbarga Uni- midst of the Covid-19 crisis, they have
moted to #3 (4), SR Capital Public Olivia Enlightened’s Sutapa Nandi (centre): hierarchical leadership flow
School, Delhi to #4 (5) with Sukh-
pal Senior Secondary School,
Ugala #5 (5) completing the Top 5
“We are delighted to be ranked
India and Maharashtra’s #1 BPS by
EducationWorld. We are especially
pleased with our high scores under
the parameter of teacher welfare and
curriculum & pedagogy (digital readi-
ness) as our teachers have risen to
the challenge of the national schools
lockdown by swiftly moving to online
education. We thank all our alumni,
especially Akansha Singh, who came
forward to help us and our teachers
in digital transformation, making us
all learners in the process. It’s note-
worthy that we have provided our stu-
dents free-of-charge software to help