Page 16 - EW December 2020
P. 16


             RESTART SCHOOLS RIGHT NOW !                                       ly administered government schools
                                                                               taking ill. Invariably, over-focused on
                                                                               short-term electoral prospects, post-
                                                                               independence India’s  political class
                     ith  education  institutions,   dates and postponing them. With this   has never grasped the centrality of
                     especially  pre-primaries  back and forth, over three-fourths the   education for national development
             Wand K-12 schools, shuttered     school year has elapsed with children   as evidenced by its consistent failure
             for over nine months since mid-March   cooped  up  in  small,  overcrowded   to raise the annual outlay (Centre plus
             because of fear of infection from the   homes — the average home in this   states) for public education to 6 per-
             Coronavirus, aka Covid-19 pandemic,   country beggared by persisting neta-  cent of GDP, first recommended by
             pitiful tragedies are being played out   babu socialism is a mere 499 sq. ft.   the Kothari Commission (1967) and
             in millions of households across the   Although there is much blather   over half a dozen commissions since.
             country. The majority of India’s 480   about online and distance learning,   Though there is admittedly the pos-
             million children are not only suffer-  for the overwhelming majority of chil-  sibility that a considerable number of
             ing loss of learning, but also hunger,   dren from low-income households en-  in-school children could catch the vi-
             malnutrition and escalating domestic   rolled in government schools, this is a   rus, if elementary safety precautions
             violence and abuse while sequestered   cruel joke. The plain truth is that they   such  as  mandatory  sanitisation  of
             in squalid homes. For the country’s   are perhaps at greater risk of contract-  premises, face masking, safe distanc-
             140 million children in government   ing the dread virus in crowded, insani-  ing and alternate days attendance are
             schools, especially state and local   tary homes as they would be in school.   prescribed and practised, schools are
             government managed  anganwadis   Moreover, they are not only being de-  likely to be markedly safer than home
             (pre-primary) and primary schools,   prived of learning, they are also at risk   environments for the vast majority
             attending conventional brick-n-mor-  of forgetting what they have learned   of government school students. The
             tar schools is of critical importance   thus far.                 Central and state governments need to
             because in-school children are enti-  Clearly dilly-dallying on the issue   bite the bullet on this issue and man-
             tled to a free-of-charge mid-day meal   of reopening schools is not so much   date the restart of schools, subject to
             which in many cases is the only daily   driven by anxiety about their contract-  elementary precautions and parental
             meal they get.                   ing the Covid virus as by fear of the po-  consent. Every day’s delay is extract-
                State governments have been re-  litical consequences of large numbers   ing a heavier price from India’s long-
             peatedly setting school reopening   of children in ill-maintained and poor-  suffering children.

              SETTLE CHINA-INDIA BORDER URGENTLY                               of resurgent China whose annual
                                                                               GDP of $15 trillion is five multiples
                                                                               of India’s $3 trillion, as the dominant
                                                                               power of Asia, including South Asia.
                   iscovery of an entirely new vil-  to firmly declare that force will be met   In the circumstances, there’s ur-
                   lage sited 2 km on the Bhuta-  by force and India’s Border Roads Or-  gent need for an all-parties consen-
             Dnese side of the Sino-Bhutan    ganisation is building motorable roads   sus for serious negotiations between
             border, a mere 9 km from the China-  and air-fields all along the disputed   India and China to finally settle the
             India standoff in the Doklam area in   Sino-India border.         long pending dispute along the entire
             2017, is proof that the Sino-India bor-  It is submitted this belligerent re-  length of  the 4,000 km  Sino-India
             der dispute is by no means over.  sponse is ill-advised as it will play right   border in a determined spirit of give-
                Under a treaty signed in 1949,   into the strategy designed by the lead-  and-take. Way back in 1959, China’s
             Bhutan is an Indian protectorate with   ership of the unelected Communist   then prime minister Zhou-En-Lai had
             India obliged to safeguard its borders   Party of China (CPC) which rules our   suggested India surrendering territory
             and other interests. But this new vil-  neighbour nation of 1.5 billion people   in the Aksai Chin region for China to
             lage habitation serviced by a new mo-  with ruthless brutality. The CPC lead-  accept the British imposed McMahon
             torable road is perilously close to the   ership is well aware that even a limited   Line as the Sino-India boundary in the
             Doklam Plateau which overlooks the   border war will completely disrupt the   north-east.
             narrow Siliguri pass aka Chicken’s   Indian economy poised to make a dra-  The national interest demands
             Neck, that links mainland India to the   matic recovery in the immediate after-  that this offer is resurrected to serve
             seven sister states of north-east India   math of the Covid-19 pandemic which   as the basis of a carefully demarcated,
             including Arunachal Pradesh (83,743   ironically, originated in China. Curi-  United Nations approved, border be-
             sq. km) which China claims is South-  ously, China is also the first nation to   tween the two nations. Democratic
             ern Tibet, i.e, Chinese territory.   have recovered from the devastation   India’s anti-China strategy should be
                Thus far, the response of the BJP-  of the Covid-19 pandemic which has   to ally with democracy forces in Tai-
             led NDA government to the Doklam   ruined the global economy.     wan, Hong Kong and within commu-
             stand-off and other Chinese incur-  Therefore, it’s important for the   nist China itself to liberate China’s 1.5
             sions along the 4,000-km Sino-India   BJP/NDA government and all politi-  billion people from the brutal and op-
             border, which stretches from Aksai   cal parties to appreciate that disrup-  pressive rule of the 100 million-strong
             Chin (Ladakh) in the north-west to   tion of the Indian economy at this   CPC by way of soft power, rather than
             Arunachal in the north-east, has been   juncture will clearly seal the position   recourse to arms.

             16    EDUCATIONWORLD   DECEMBER 2020
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