Page 168 - EW December 2020
P. 168


             Ingrate nation                                    equity of this hi-tech city by renaming it Bengaluru —
                                                               stringent fines decreed for minor traffic offences includ-
                                                               ing parking, have engendered well-oiled rackets which are
                  Y ANY METRIC OF MAN MEASUREMENT, new         multiplying the already huge number of crooked cops. For
                  technologies industry leader Faqir Chand Kohli
             B(FCK) who passed away on November 26 was an      instance, heavy fines decreed for jumping traffic lights
             extraordinary individual who made a huge, insufficiently   has created a great opportunity for traffic policemen to
                                                               extort less amounts for personal enrichment. With the
             appreciated, contribution to the national development
             effort. An alumnus of Punjab University and MIT, Boston   second offence fine raised to Rs.1,000 this fraternity is
                                                               ready, willing and able to overlook first time infringement
             where he studied engineering, unlike many of his genera-
             tion in the 1950s, FCK returned to India to serve the na-  for Rs.200-300. Without a receipt, of course.
                                                                 Moreover, to ‘book’ more offenders, an added refine-
             tional interest. He was handpicked by the late JRD Tata   ment is for the green lights to turn red instantly, with
             and given charge of Tata Electric Co which supplies power
             to Bombay (later Mumbai). Within a decade of presiding   barely a second for a flash of orange. As a result there
                                                               are a large and rising number of wealthy traffic cops in
             over Tata Power, FCK transformed it into the country’s
             most reliable power supply company. In 1968 JRD Tata   the garden city whose assets need investigation. In the
             selected him to head Tata Consultancy Services (TCS).   US, there is a second layer police department known as
                                                               Internal Affairs whose full-time mandate is to monitor,
               During the period 1980-99 when Tata Group was
             experiencing hard times, TCS (currently ranked among   detect and prosecute crooked cops misusing their office.
                                                               A similar institution is urgently required in this unhappy,
             the world’s Top 10 IT services companies) contributed 80
             percent of its profit and saved it from disintegration.  over-taxed country.
               Your editor formed a long and enduring friendship
             founding editor of Business India and Businessworld and  Lincoln disproved
             with FCK during my decade in business journalism as
             later as publisher-editor of EducationWorld. Unusu-
             ally, FCK was quick to discern the intimate connection   LTHOUGH IT IS THE NATION’S PROUD BOAST
             between education, industry productivity and economic   that India is the world’s most populous (not larg-
             growth. He promptly accepted our invitation to join the   A est) democracy, evidence is mounting that the
             Board of Advisors of EW and although he had retired   idealistically heroic decision to introduce universal adult
             as CEO of TCS in the new millennium, he facilitated the   franchise when a mere 12 percent of the population was
             launch of the annual TCS-EducationWorld Teachers   literate, was an error. Since 1951 when post-independence
             Award in 2005 to felicitate the country’s best, unsung pri-  India’s first General Election was held, gullible, unedu-
             mary and secondary school teachers. At that time he also   cated electorates have given huge majorities to political
             focused his attention on popularising the CBFL (com-  parties led by charismatic leaders who have repeatedly
             puter-based functional literacy) programme developed   betrayed their trust.
             by TCS under his watch. This unique programme now in   Corruption and criminality engendered by socialist
             cold storage, enables an illiterate adult to be able to read   licence-permit-quota raj became ubiquitous and struck
             and comprehend newspaper headlines after 40 hours of   deep roots to the extent that the worst elements of society
             instruction.                                      are routinely elected to top-level positions in the Central
               Yet in the end, FCK was stalled from revolutionising   and state governments. The recently concluded legisla-
             Indian education by the perpetually ungrateful establish-  tive assembly election in Bihar (pop.104 million) offers
             ment. The TCS-EducationWorld Teachers Awards (annu-  startling evidence of this trend. According to a detailed
             al expenditure Rs.6-8 lakh) were capriciously discontin-  study conducted by the Delhi-based Association for
             ued by N. Chandrasekharan when he was appointed CEO   Democratic Reforms, 68 percent (cf. 58 percent in 2015)
             of TCS in 2009. And neither the BJP/NDA nor Congress-  of the newly elected MLAs have criminal charges filed
             led UPA governments at the Centre permitted duty-free   against them with 51 percent (40 percent) facing serious
             imports of junked computers from Western countries for   criminal charges.
             distribution in village India towards implementing the   Nor is criminality a BJP/JDU monopoly in this
             CBFL programme. Thus these enterprises of great pith   benighted state (per capita income: Rs.43,000 cf. the
             and moment which would have been an enduring memo-  national average of Rs.1.35 lakh). Fifty-four of the 74 win-
             rial to this great corporate and education visionary, have   ning candidates of the main opposition RJD party have
             faded into oblivion.                              criminal charges, and 44 have serious criminal charges
                                                               filed against them. These MLAs disprove the popular
             Uniformed racketeers                              morality adage that crime doesn’t pay. Their average as-
                                                               sets are evaluated (on the basis of self-declarations in their
                                                               filed election forms) at Rs.4.32 crore and 81 percent of
             A                                                 them are crorepatis (assets valued at over Rs.1 crore).

                   SERIES OF HEAVY FINES DECREED BY state
                                                                 Evidently in contemporary Bihar, Abraham Lincoln’s
                   governments for minor civic offences such as not
                                                               famous aphorism that you can’t fool all the people all the
                   wearing face masks or jumping a traffic light,
             which far from deterring offenders, has had the adverse   time has been disproved. Following Gresham law that
             effect of increasing retail police corruption manifold.   bad money drives out good, in 21st century Bihar, crooks
               In the garden city of Bangalore — the state’s rustic   and villains drive the best people out of the hustings and
             politicians have senselessly surrendered the global brand   democracy has been driven off the rails.
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