Page 26 - EW December 2020
P. 26

Education News

             University Rankings) league tables                                               in Sweden. Even
             of QS and Times Higher Education,                                                in Wuhan (China)
             the globally respected London-based                                              — the fons et
             HEIs ranking agencies. NB. The Peo-                                              origo of the
             ple’s Republic of China has five.                                                novel corona-
                            Dipta Joshi (Mumbai)                                              virus pandemic
                                                                                              — schools have
               KARNATAKA                                                                      been functional
             Educators                                                                        since September.
                                                                                              The experience
             exasperation                                                                     of these coun-
                                                                                              tries indicates
                                                                                              that when
                   here is mounting exasperation                                              safety protocols —
                   among educationists in the   Education minister Suresh Kumar: repeated postponements  masks, premises
             Tstate over the BJP govern-                                                      sanitation, social
             ment’s repeated postponement of   percent of high-end private schools   distancing, alternate days schooling
             the date for reopening education   have smoothly switched to on-  etc — are observed, children are safer
             institutions for fear of children and   line classes, children in the state’s   in schools than at home 24X7.
             students contracting the Covid-19   48,000 under-resourced government   “Schools — especially government
             virus. On November 23, primary   primaries are experiencing severe   schools in rural areas, which have
             and secondary education minister S.   deprivation of learning, as also free-  very poor digital connectivity —
             Suresh Kumar announced yet an-   of-charge mid-day meals served in   should be reopened at once, subject
             other reopening date postponement   all government schools.       to compliance with safety protocols.
             of preschools, primary, secondary   According to a study titled Myths   Fear for children’s safety must be
             and higher secondary schools which   of Online Education conducted in   balanced against the heavy price that
             were scheduled to restart in-campus   September by the Bengaluru-based   they are paying by way of malnutri-
             classes on December 1. This is the   Azim Premji University in five states   tion and loss of learning. The state
             third time the schools reopening date   (Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Raj-  government should consult with
             has been deferred at the last minute.   asthan, Uttarakhand and Karnataka),   knowledgeable education leaders
                With the number of Covid-19   the majority of teachers and parents   and follow their advice rather than
             positive cases and fatalities fall-  find online teaching inadequate   issue arbitrary diktats. It needs to
             ing sharply across the state — daily   and ineffective. The survey which   learn to practice real democracy,”
             infections have fallen from a peak   covered 1,522 government schools   says M.R. Srinivasan, director-
             of 10,947 on October 7 to 998 on   in 26 districts, indicates that over   principal of the highly-respected
             November 30 and fatalities from 113   60 percent of children can’t access   GEAR Innovative School, Bengaluru,
             to 13 — and retail markets, cinemas,   online education because of poor   and president of the Association of
             bars, restaurants and colleges and   Internet connectivity and/or lack of   CBSE Schools of Karnataka.
             universities back to doing busi-  digital devices. Besides highlighting   That’s good advice but unlikely to
             ness — albeit with prescribed safety   the widening digital divide between   be heeded by the state’s politicians
             protocols — there’s rising exaspera-  the upper, middle and other classes,   for whom education is a low-priority
             tion within the educators community   the study says that 70 percent of par-  subject.
             over schools remaining shuttered.    ents believe that online education is   Bandana Brahmin (Bengaluru)
                According to reliable sources   ineffective and 90 percent are willing
             within the state’s BJP government,   to send their children back to school,    TAMIL NADU
             the education ministry is in favour of   subject to their managements follow-  Treading warily
             restarting schools, but health minis-  ing elementary safety precautions.
             try is against it. The state’s Covid-19   In this connection, despite a
             Technical Advisory Committee has   second surge in Covid cases, most   he aiadmk-led state government
             clarified that the thin attendance in   European countries (Germany,   has bit the bullet and reopened
             undergrad colleges which reopened   Ireland, France, England) have ex- Tin-campus classes in higher
             on November 17, has influenced   empted preschools and schools from   education institutions (HEIs) on De-
             the government’s decision to keep   lockdown rules. Denmark reopened   cember 7. The reopening order issued
             schools shut until New Year.     schools in April after a month-long   under the Disaster Management Act,
                Meanwhile although the top 10   lockdown while schools never closed   2005, is restricted to final-year under-

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