Page 93 - EW December 2020
P. 93

ternational School, Chennai are
                                                                               jointly ranked #7 (8) and Canadian
                                                                               International School, Bengaluru
                                                                               is ranked #8 (9).
                                                                                 Dr. S. Bhavanishankar, se-
                                                                               nior principal of Lalaji Memorial
                                                                               Omega International School,
                                                                               Chennai (LMOIS, estb.2005), is
                                                                               more than satisfied this year’s 11,368
                                                                               sample respondents have promoted
                                                                               this new millennium day-cum-board-
                                                                               ing school to #7 nationally, and espe-
                                                                               cially pleased LMOIS is top-ranked in
                                                                               Tamil Nadu (pop. 67 million) in this
                                                                               elite category.
                                                                                 “We are gratified with the respect
                                                                               accorded by your respondents to
                                                                               LMOIS. In this school, we look forward
                                                                               to the annual EWISR which compels
             LMOIS’ Dr. Bhavanishankar (centre): Tamil Nadu #1                 us to measure our institutional effort
                                                                               under all 14 parameters of school edu-
             our students have developed advanced   schools,  there’s  a  minor  rearrange-  cation excellence. Moreover, this year’s
             collaboration, creativity, adaptability,   ment of seating at the Top 5 table. The   Covid-19 pandemic disruption has
             climate literacy and situational aware-  media-shy Stonehill Internation-  been a great teacher. It has taught us
             ness skills,” says  Sarojini Rao, an   al, Bengaluru (#6 in 2019-20) and   to work collaboratively, accept change
             economics and education alumna of   Greenwood High International,   and adapt to new learning systems. We
             Pune and Annamalai universities and   Bengaluru (5) have been promoted   greatly appreciate EducationWorld’s
             principal of IIS-B since 2005.   to #4 as also the Jayshree Periwal   efforts to recognise merit and moti-
                However, it’s commonly acknowl-  International School, Jaipur   vate schools during these troubled
             edged that the major reason why Indus   to #5 (6).  Indus  International,   times,” says Bhavanishankar, an alum
             International IB schools dominate the   Hyderabad at #6 (9), Singapore   of Madras University and the Medical
             international day-cum-boarding sub-  International School, Mumbai   University of South Carolina, USA, and
             category, is the leadership provided for   and Lalaji Memorial Omega In-  former principal of the well-reputed
             the past 17 years by Lt. Gen. (Retd.)
             Arjun Ray, CEO of the Indus Trust.   Candor International’s Suresh Reddy: smooth transition
             A highly decorated five-star general
             of the Indian Army who is the hands-
             on CEO of the trust and has master-
             minded the establishment of all three
             Indus Schools in Bengaluru, Pune and
             Hyderabad, and the Indus Early Years
             Schools in Bengaluru, Hyderabad,
             Pune and Chennai, Ray has ensured
             that IIS-B is  ranked #1 under the pa-
             rameter  of  leadership  and  manage-
             ment in the annual EWISR for the past
             five years (2013-17) and again this year.
                Following IIS-B are the Pathways
             World School, Gurugram  at #2
             and Genesis Global School, Noida
             ranked #3 jointly with the pioneer The
             International School, Bengaluru
             (estb.2000). While they have consoli-
             dated  their  position  among  India’s
             Top 3 international day-cum-boarding

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