Page 12 - EducationWorld January 2021
P. 12
COVID THREAT ALSO OFFERS OPPORTUNITIES children should also be allowed back
into conventional classrooms immedi-
ately subject to institutional manage-
or the indian economy the re- fiction who can’t speak a word of Eng- ments adhering to safety guidelines
cently concluded year 2020 has lish, the link language of India — has prescribed by the Union and state gov-
Fbeen an unprecedented annus made impractical noises about teach- ernments. With the national roll-out
horribilis. Over 18 million employ- ing children via television. Yet the of the duly tested and approved Co-
ees in private industry have been ugly reality of the Indian economy vishield and Covaxin vaccines round
rendered jobless and an estimated (according to the National Sample the corner, and sufficient data indicat-
100 million (of 300 million) citizens Survey 2017-18) is that only 8 percent ing that children are less vulnerable
who had been pulled out of extreme of Indian households with children in to the dread virus, no further time
poverty since the economic liberalisa- the 5-24 age group have Internet con- should be lost in enabling children to
tion and de-regulation of the dirigiste nectivity and computer devices such recover lost learning.
centrally planned Indian economy in as desktops, laptops and tablets. Ac- Simultaneously, rapid induction
1991, have been pushed back below cording to the RTE Forum, a collec- of digital technologies in upscale pri-
the poverty line. tion of 10,000 NGOs, educationists vate schools needs to be replicated in
Although it sounds incredible, and social activists, an estimated 30 government institutions. If govern-
the year was even worse for Indian million children have dropped out of ment finances don’t permit this, the
education. Particularly for the coun- government schools since education charter school experiment and school
try’s 132 million children obliged by institutions were ordered to be shut voucher scheme should be introduced
economic circumstances to attend 1.2 in March 2020. to improve and upgrade government
million dysfunctional state and local Following national outrage — be- schools. As in other sectors of the
government schools defined by crum- cause schools world-over started economy, radical reforms are over-
bling infrastructure, chronic teacher several months ago — in most states, due in Indian education. While it has
absenteeism and English teaching schools have cautiously been permit- proved a great threat and disruptor,
aversion, an entire year’s learning ted to reopen with senior students the Covid pandemic has also offered
has been lost. allowed back on sanitised campuses an opportunity to reform and contem-
Union education minister Ramesh in early January, subject to parental porise Indian education. It should not
Pokhriyal — a former writer of Hindi consent. Primary and middle school be missed.
REPEAL & RE-ENACT AGRICULTURE LEGISLATION Essential Commodities Act is also in
the interest of farmers inasmuch as it
enables the reinforcement of India’s
he on-going farmers’ agitation on whose average per capita income is weak warehousing industry. Farmers
the borders of Delhi NCR, now one third of national income. Direct will have the option of warehousing
Tin its 44th day (January 8), has farm gate purchasing is in the public their produce for sale in lean seasons,
thrown a spanner into the recovery interest because horticulture (fruit and also have the option of monetising
process of the Indian economy in the and vegetables) produce valued at warehouse receipts.
wake of the devastation caused by the Rs.93,000 crore is wasted annually Nevertheless the BJP/NDA gov-
Covid-19 pandemic. because of logistics and storage bottle- ernment at the Centre is not blame-
Unfortunately, there is a great deal necks. Under these Acts a farmer can less. With typical high-handedness it
of confusion about the agriculture sell his produce to the highest private railroaded these revolutionary Bills,
liberalisation and deregulation leg- bidder or in APMC auctions, wher- which affect the lives and livelihoods
islation. Together they liberalise and ever he gets the best price. If prices of 600 million rural citizens, with-
deregulate Indian agriculture in the fall because of over-production, he can out adequate debate and reference to
same manner as the landmark legis- sell to government at the prescribed farmers’ unions and leaders.
lation of 1991 substantially liberalised minimum support price. This safety It’s important to recall that in the
Indian industry and business. They net has been retained. 1960s when the country was con-
are designed to allow farmers to sell Essentially, these Acts of Parlia- fronted with the prospect of famine,
their produce to purchasers of their ment integrate agriculture and indus- the farmers of Punjab and north In-
choice, allow them freedom to enter try. They allow farmers to enter into dia responded to minimum price as-
into production and commercial con- pre-production contracts with agri- surances and saved the situation by
tracts with private industry and firms. processing companies to protect them engineering the Green Revolution.
And the third Act removes warehouse against wild price fluctuations which The least they deserved was to be
inventory ceilings imposed by state will also benefit consumers, because taken into confidence and explained
governments on commodities traders food processing companies will quick- the necessary agriculture reform pro-
enabling them to buy and warehouse ly transform surpluses into long-shelf visions of these three Acts of Parlia-
agri produce without interference life processed foods. Fears of farmers ment in detail. In the circumstances,
from government inspectors. being short-changed by corporates are the Central government should repeal
Certainly this legislation will ben- unfounded as the latter will be bound and re-enact these laws after dialogue
efit the vast majority of the country’s by cast-iron contracts and also fear of and debate in and out of Parliament
600 million-strong rural population media exposure. Amendment of the as demanded by farm union leaders.