Page 31 - EducationWorld January 2021
P. 31
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and usage of Lycee - ERP manages the stakeholder’s information and
BOTS. automates processes such as Fee Management, Result
Management, Library, Payroll accounting to name a few.
Under the DTHL program the teachers are trained
and certified as MIE (Microsoft Innovative Educator) Lycee - Collaboration and Communication Platform enables
MIEE (Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert) and MIE the interaction between the stakeholders of education.
Trainers. The teachers who have better digital teaching
skills are given an opportunity to make presentation in the Lycee - Learning Management Platform – is enabled
Knowledge L’avenir Conclaves which is the largest social with Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cognitive
learning platfrom for teachers. Learning, Multiple Intelligences concepts, Multimode
Assessment, and Immersive learning, where the learning
Teachers are trained on Lycee – Institution can be relevant, personalized and individualized.
Management System on how to enter student performance
data and to generate report. They are also trained on the Lycee - Content Management Platfrom – is enabled with
communication platfrom of Lycee to collaborate with the STEM and STEAM learning, Virtual Reality, Augmented
parents and colleagues. Reality, Mixed Reality and BOTS.
Parents are oriented on the dos and don’ts of the digital Lycee- E-Commerce Platfrom – enables school stores,
platfrom before the online classes commence. canteen, fees and Library to go online for digital commerce.
The presently prevalent systems of schooling practices TRANSFORMING OPERATIONS
have been generated to address the needs of the Industrial This must be the first step in Digital Transformation; Gen Extra Muros – Digital Pedagogy is implemented Lycee E-Governance – Using this facility school
Age. New times call for new organizations that can handle manual operation will not help. A high quality School to guide the teachers how to teach on the digital platfrom. management and administrators can manage the institution
uncertainties of the knowledge age of the future, rather than Management System such as Lycee should be implemented from anywhere any place on any device.
CONTROL & DELIVERY and GOVERNANCE. The Digital Learning should not be only restricted Once the Digital Transformation & Holistic Learning
As we prepare to charter the unfamiliar terrain that lies Once the process such as school data, Fee Management, to syllabus based learning; it should be extended to program is implemented the school transforms from a
ahead, we need a new kind of enabling device, one with very Result processing, Payroll, Accounts etc., is automated, extracurricular activities such as, Sports, Games, Film Traditional School to Digital School.
different competencies and a whole new sense of direction. the system will become more efficient and robust. All the , Theatre, Art, Craft, Creativity, Music, Dance, Health &
While this may be cause for anxiety to industrial societies, a stakeholders will be benefited. Wellness, Technology, Safety and Disaster Management, Once the School has implemented DTHL program and is
period of transition, where the old order gives way to new is Ecology, Tourism, History and Heritage, Adventure & Future Ready. The school is graduated to a Digital School
being put in place. Yet, there is also a sense of tremendous TRANSFORMING LEARNING Adventure sports, Employment, Entrepreneurship, Social & in a Carte Blanche Graduation ceremony.
adventure and opportunity for all. This is most important step is to transformation learning. Emotional Skills, World Culture, Human Values, responsible
This phase consist of the following steps EDUCATOR Citizenship , Caring for elders differently abled & Animals. Digital Transformation of
This requires reengineering, benchmarking, continuous CAPABILITY, RELEVENCE, CONTENT CURATION schools is a sine qua non
improvement, total quality management, lean productivity & OMNI CHANNEL STREAMING, EXPERIENTIAL Events such as Independence Day, Republic Day, of 21st Century teaching-
and high accountability – one has to stay ahead of the LEARNING USING MIXED REALITY, EXPERT Mother’s Day, Children’s Day, Teacher’s Day etc., could learning. In the realm of
change curve, constantly redefining institutions, creating MENTORING & COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT be celebrated on the virtual platfrom. Subject experts and school education there is no
new opportunities, blazing new trails, reinventing the important personalities could be invited to address the future or, indeed, present
competitive rules and challenging the status quo. Under the DTHL program, first the members of the students virtually. without technology. This
school management are trained on Digital Transformation. “Digital Transformation”
Digital Transformation in education is inevitable Then a collaboration platfrom such as Microsoft Teams and ENABLING AN ECOSYSTEM should not be seen as a
to handle the learning requirements of the Knowledge Microsoft O365 is introduced. Two to three staff members Educational Institutions must become center point fad or fashion. It is not to
Age. Technology that is available today and continuously from the school with IT knowledge are chosen as DTHL for community progress. Once the communication and be superimposed as an
bolstered by developments on the horizon can provide coordinators. The responsibility of the DTHL coordinators collaboration platfrom is implemented the stakeholders external construct. It is to
enterprising educators and communities with a platform would be to master the platfrom and transition the physical of education can collaborate with each other, member of M K SHERWANI be deeply embedded and
for improvement unlike any in history. school to digital school. Implementation will start by the community, and thought leaders to gain knowledge on MANAGING TRUSTEE enmeshed in the pedagogic
creating the credentials for the stakeholder. Teacher are demand. MURTAZAI BEGAM wherewithal of teaching-
To transform a “Traditional School” to a “Digital School” mapped to the virtual classes and their lesson plans are MEMORIAL learning. Those who dumb
the following process should be followed: assigned. Students are mapped to the virtual classes, and CONNECTED DELIVERY PLATFORM EDUCATIONAL AND down or disregard the need
digital policy is implemented. Digital platfrom cannot has disjointed every activity of SOCIAL WELFARE for Digital Transformation
TRANSFORMING OPERATIONS, TRANSFORMING the Digital School should be connected to a single platfrom. TRUST (The Blossoms in schools do so at their own
LEARNING, ENABLIJNG HOLISTIC EDUCATION, Educators are trained and certified on the Collaboration School, Aligarh, Uttar peril. They are destined to
ENABLING AN ECOSYSTEM and Implementing a Platform, various Teaching Apps, how to generate Digital Lycee – Cyber Schooling platfrom has six integrated Pradesh) is being run under fall by the wayside.
CONNECTED DELIVERY PLATFORM. Content and on different aspects of teaching such as STEM, platforms they are as follows: the aegis of this Trust).
STEAM, Mixed Reality, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality,