Page 76 - EducationWorld January 2021
P. 76


             Most over-taxed nation?                           stand that companies run by Ambani-Adani, ITC, Britan-
                                                                 Hello, Kisan brothers! Is it rocket science to under-
                                                               nia, Godrej etc with large resources and reputations to
                S INDIA THE MOST OVER-TAXED COUNTRY OF         lose, will offer better contracts, farm-gate prices and
                the contemporary world? If one adds up all the taxes   logistics support than anonymous, sly, penny-pinching
             Ipaid by the tiny fraction of the upper and middle   commission agents and middlemen? Because of the
             classes (only 14.6 million citizens earn over Rs.5 lakh per   agriculture-industry divide, fruit and vegetable produce
             year) obliged to pay income tax, it is arguable that India   valued at Rs.93,000 crore is wasted annually, and rats
             is the world’s most over-taxed nation.            instead of humans are consuming the rotting foodgrain
                For instance, on a modest salary of Rs.12 lakh per   mountains in ill-maintained warehouses of the public
             year, citizens are obliged to pay Rs.4 lakh as income   sector Food Corporation of India. The plain truth is that
             tax to the Central government. Moreover, a plethora of   the country needs Ambani-Adani 1,000x to generate em-
             indirect taxes are levied — excise on most manufactured   ployment and tax revenues for government. Continuous
             goods, GST (general sales tax) and service tax on a range   neglect of primary education for over seven decades has
             of services including food and drink in restaurants. In   precipitated an intellect famine. Not only in rural India.
             addition, property tax is due to the state government by
             home owners, and heavy registration, petrol/diesel and
             road taxes are payable by car and automotive two-wheel-  Foreign investment blindspot
             er owners.
                To this list of official taxes, one must add parallel   N THE INCOME TAX DEPARTMENT UNDER
             taxes, i.e, bribes and inducements to the country’s 18   the Union finance ministry, arrogance mixed with
             million government employees to deliver any and every   Iintellectual inertia is discernible in abundance. The
             public service or conduct of ordinary business. Nor is   destructive power that the department enjoys is on full
             that all. Then one must also add sums doled out to desti-  display in the Vodafone and Cairn Energy cases in which
             tute citizens as alms and charity.                highly reputed international tribunals have held against
                In all civilised societies, the social contract is that   the Government of India for acts of omission and com-
             in return for paying taxes, citizens are provided public   mission of runaway IT officials.
             goods and services. Yet the plain truth is that most   Back in 2006, a Hong Kong-based company Hutchi-
             government provided goods and services are so pathetic   son Telecommunications International Technologies
             that self-respecting citizens tend to avoid them, and   (HTIT) sold a Cayman Islands company CGP Investment
             hesitate mightily to step into a police station or court   Holdings to the Netherlands-based Vodafone Inter-
             of justice. So where does all the tax revenue go? In the   national Holdings BV (VIH). CGP owned a 67 percent
             next Union Budget to be presented shortly, please note   shareholding in Hutchison Essar (India). The IT depart-
             that government establishment expenses (salaries, rents,   ment issued a tax notice for Rs.11,218 crore on VIH stat-
             perquisites including swanning about in ministerial jets,   ing that since HTIT had earned a capital gain on sale of
             elaborate car convoys and foreign jaunts) consume 25   a company sited in India, VIH should have deducted tax
             percent of the Union budget. Ditto state governments.   at source. Yes the issue is complex. But the moot point
             That’s where.
                                                               is that our own Supreme Court held that the IT depart-
                                                               ment’s claim for Rs.22,000 crore (after adding interest
             Ambani-Adani 1,000x wanted                        and penalties) was unjustified.
                                                                 Enter Pranab Mukherjee, then Union finance minister
                                                               in the Congress-led UPA government. To be one up on
                  OME PEOPLE — ACTUALLY THE MAJORITY —         prime minister Manmohan Singh, Mukherjee pushed a
                  never learn. Right until 1980, some pundits say   resolution through Parliament overruling the Supreme
             S1990, the GDP of the neighbouring — too close for   Court verdict, taxing VIH with retrospective effect.
             comfort — People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Repub-  The Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague
             lic of India was on a par. Three decades later, PRC’s GDP   held that the retrospective tax demand from VIH was in
             is $15 trillion and India’s $3 trillion. That’s because from   violation of a bilateral investment treaty (1995) between
             1978 onward, the ruling Communist Party of China dis-  India and the Netherlands. Similarly, following an
             covered that native Chinese are natural entrepreneurs,   offshore reorganisation of its India business by Cairn
             and placed the country firmly on the capitalist road of   Energy plc (UK), the IT department levied a $1.4 billion
             free markets and free enterprise. Likewise, Indians are   (Rs.10,234 crore) capital gains tax demand on Cairn
             also born entrepreneurs and traders, perhaps the only   Energy and seized its assets in India of equivalent value.
             ones who can take on and compete with the Chinese.   This demand was also overturned by the Singapore
             But instead of encouraging and stimulating our billion   International Tribunal (1991) as being violative of a UK-
             entrepreneurs and businessmen, lefty layabouts and poli-  India investment treaty.
             ticians continue to pillory “suit-boot” industry leaders   Meanwhile, the Central government, is moving heaven
             and businessmen.                                  and earth to attract foreign investment into India in the
                This anti-business threnody is being sung by the lead-  wake of capital flight out of China. Clearly, it isn’t aware
             ers of the prolonged farmers’ agitation in Delhi. Their   of the damage the runaway IT department is doing to
             tune is that the new farm laws are an Ambani-Adani   India’s image as a trustworthy destination for foreign
             conspiracy to exploit the country’s 600 million rural   investors.

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