Page 32 - EducationWorld Feb 2021 Low
P. 32

Expert Comment

             Budget 2021-22

             ignores NEP 2020

                                                                                                  PROTIVA KUNDU

                     EAR 2020 HAS BEEN EXCEPTIONAL —  a year   Though NEP 2020 was presented to the
                     unlike any other. Before the Covid-19 induced   public after a gap of 34 years following
                     lockdown on March 25, India’s economy was
             Yalready struggling. The national lockdown        the reports of two high powered
             plunged it into severe recession. Therefore, there was   commissions, the Union Budget 2021-22
             little headroom for Union finance minister Nirmala
             Sitharaman to substantially provide for social welfare   doesn’t offer any substantial proposals
             programmes in Union Budget 2021-22.               to roll out the new education policy
                With the pandemic having devastated the education
             of millions of children, there was expectation of some
             Covid-response measures and at least a minor increase   has been reduced to Rs.11,500 crore in 2021-22 from the
             of the education outlay in the first budget after rollout of   revised estimate of Rs.12,900 crore in 2020-21.
             the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 last July, and   The budget has also slashed the allocation to the
             a spirited statement of intent on an NEP implementation   National Scheme for Incentive to Girls for Secondary
             programme.                                        Education to a mere Rs.1 crore from the Rs.110 crore in
                Instead, the finance minister announced an outlay of   2020-21. The national interest demands that provision
             Rs.93,224 crore for education, 6.13 percent lower than   for pre-primary and K-12 education requires greater at-
             the Rs.99,312 crore budgeted for 2020-21. Of this modest   tention and focus as younger children have suffered most
             allocation, Rs.54,874 crore is for school education and lit-  during the pandemic. But Budget 2021-22 has relatively
             eracy and Rs.38,350 crore for higher education. The share   neglected school education.
             of education in the total Union Budget has fallen from 3.3   And though NEP 2020 was presented to the public
             percent in 2020-21 to 2.7 percent next year. Clearly public   after a gap of 34 years and following the reports of two
             education is not a high priority of the BJP/NDA govern-  high-powered committees/commissions, the Union
             ment at the Centre.                               government’s latest budget doesn’t offer any substantial
                In this connection it’s pertinent to note that allocation   proposals to support rollout of the new education policy.
             of at least 6 percent of GDP (Centre plus states combined)   The finance minister’s 110-minute budget speech referred
             for public education has been recommended in every edu-  to NEP 2020, and in Annexure V lists some initiatives
             cation policy document, including NEP 2020. Despite this   taken under the policy, but does not mention the funding
             the Centre’s allocation for education in Budget 2021-22 is   provided for them.
             equivalent to a mere 0.42 percent of GDP. Evidently, the   o implement NEP 2020, the education ministry had
             Union government has shifted responsibility for educa-  Tsubmitted a demand for Rs.10.37 lakh crore to the
             tion financing to state governments. But with the latter   15th Finance Commission for the five-year period (2021-
             also experiencing huge revenue loss due to the pandemic,   26). This translates into approximately Rs.2 lakh crore
             it is very unlikely they will be able to step up investment   per year. Not even half of this demand has been provided
             in public education that accords prime importance to   by Union Budget 2021-22.
             early years education. Self-evidently, pre-primary and   To educate India’s 300 million children and youth
             primary school children who can forget what they have   in schools and higher education, there’s urgent need to
             learned in previous years and whose capabilities for   continuously increase the budgetary allocations of the
             self-learning are negligible, have been hit hardest by the   education sector. The least the finance minister could
             closure of schools for over ten months.           have done is to raise the Centre’s allocation for education
                In the circumstances, bringing youngest children back   to 1 per cent of GDP from the current 0.42 percent, in
             to school, making schools safe prior to their return, train-  2021-22.
             ing teachers to manage stressed children and providing   To attain this minimum target there is no option but
             them nutritious in-school mid-day meals and emotional   to increase the tax-GDP ratio. Moreover, the Centre could
             rehabilitation, should have been a top national priority.  resort to additional borrowings to repair the severe dam-
                However, Budget 2021-22 seems oblivious of the Co-  age that Indian education — public and private — has suf-
             vid-19 pandemic. Two major flagship schemes — Samagra   fered because of the Covid-19 pandemic. That it has not
             Shiksha Abhiyan (SMSA, pre-primary to higher secondary   only failed to provide additional funding but has reduced
             schooling) and the critical free mid-day meal (MDM) for   its outlay for developing the country’s neglected human
             all children in government pre-primaries and primaries —   capital, is a tragedy that will play out in years to come.
             have suffered budget cuts. The 2021-22 budget for SMSA
             is Rs.31,050 crore — a decline by 20 percent from the   (Protiva Kundu is associate director of research at the Centre for Budget
             budget estimates of 2020-21 and the allocation for MDM   and Governance Accountability (CBGA), New Delhi)

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