Page 8 - EducationWorld Feb 2021 Low
P. 8


             IF YOU CAN’T INVEST STEP ASIDE                                    well-intentioned edupreneurs driven
                                                                               by enlightened self-interest, willing
                                                                               and able to develop India’s neglected
                  y the time you read this edito-  ensure that the country’s children and   human capital.
                  rial, the Union Budget 2021-22   youth receive good quality education   The third child-centric education
             Bwill have been done, dusted and   that is their fundamental right. For   reform that the cash-strapped govern-
             presented to Parliament and the peo-  a start, it could direct public sector   ment at the Centre could initiate is to
             ple. Although the National Education   banks to set aside Rs.5,000 crore to   introduce the well-debated voucher
             Policy (NEP) 2020 presented last July   provide bridge loans to the country’s   scheme for primary-secondary chil-
             firmly resolved to double the national   unique budget private schools (BPS)   dren.  It’s  common  knowledge  that
             (Centre plus states) annual outlay for   which have an estimated 60 million   per-child expenditure incurred by
             education to 6 percent — a recommen-  children on their muster rolls, as de-  state and local governments well ex-
             dation first made and accepted in 1967   manded by NISA (National Indepen-  ceeds tuition fees charged by many
             but unimplemented for seven decades   dent Schools Alliance). BPS provide   private, especially budget schools.
             — this statement of intent is certain to   education to children of lower middle   Therefore, it makes perfectly good
             be deferred to next year. Again.     class households who’ve opted out   sense for government to provide
                According to the Reserve Bank of   of dysfunctional government schools   education vouchers which would
             India, because of the pandemic lock-  defined by rock-bottom learning out-  empower parents to enrol their chil-
             down of business and industry, GDP   comes and English language aversion.  dren in schools of their choice, gov-
             is likely to contract by 7.7 percent   Secondly, the BJP which professes   ernment or private. Introduction of a
             in 2020-21 which means that NPAs   a free markets and free enterprise ide-  school vouchers programme will also
             (non-performing assets) of banks will   ology could liberalise the over-regulat-  have the socially beneficial outcome
             soar, and nationalised banks in par-  ed education sector to smooth the way   of compelling government schools to
             ticular will need budgetary provision   for private initiatives in preschool to   improve educational standards.
             to recapitalise. All this means that   higher education. Currently, 1,005   Admittedly, the grim post-pan-
             provision for public education is not   duly completed documents need to be   demic economic scenario doesn’t al-
             likely be increased.             officially approved by the Directorate   low  the  BJP/NDA  government  the
                However, even if the BJP/NDA   of Education of the Delhi state govern-  fiscal space to ramp up investment
             government at the Centre cannot   ment to promote a greenfield school in   in public education. However, it can
             double its education budget which is   the national capital. In state capitals,   introduce systemic reforms by shed-
             the prerequisite of making good the 6   bureaucratic requirements are even   ding  the  dog-in-manger  attitude  of
             percent of GDP promise of NEP 2020,   more onerous. But for this disincen-  officialdom. If government can’t lead
             it can introduce education reforms to   tive, there would be no shortage of   or follow, it must get out of the way.

             WHY PRESIDENT BIDEN MUST SUCCEED                                  ing tested Covid-positive and over
                                                                               400,000 fatalities, the highest world-
                                                                               wide. Yet the greatness of America is
                                                                               that all these and other issues that
                   n  january  20,  america  awoke   academy and media, tend to dismiss   confront its society are debated with
                   to a bright new dawn. A new   Americans as loud, crass, greedy and   frank and fearless transparency in in-
             Ochapter has begun in the his-   ubiquitous — “over-rich, over-sexed   dependent institutions of governance
             tory of the United States of America   and over here”. But this contempt   and the media.
             (pop.331 million), the world’s oldest   is rooted more in envy than in ideo-  In his powerful and inspiring mes-
             democratic nation (estb.1776). Jo-  logical or intellectual superiority.   sage to America and the world, Biden
             seph (‘Joe’) Biden, former vice presi-  The plain truth is that warts and all,   spelt out the daunting challenges
             dent of the US during the presidency   America is the world’s most highly in-  confronting his presidency. “A once-
             of Barack Obama (2009-2017), with   tellectual, innovative, productive and   in-a-century virus silently stalks the
             a respectable 40-year track record   militarily strongest nation worldwide.     country. It’s taken as many lives in one
             in US politics, was sworn-in as the   This is not to say that the US is a   year as America lost in all of World
             46th President of the world’s wealthi-  perfect democracy. Far from it. Over   War II. Millions of jobs have been lost.
             est and militarily most powerful na-  150 years after the country experi-  Hundreds of thousands of businesses
             tion, commonly acknowledged as the   enced a bitter civil war (1864-68) on   closed. A cry for racial justice, some
             leader nation of the free world, i.e,   the issue of abolition of slavery, there   400 years in the making, moves us… a
             democratic countries which elect their   is pervasive prejudice against the na-  cry for survival comes from the planet
             governments in free and fair general   tion’s over 40 million black communi-  itself... And now a rise of political ex-
             elections based on the principle of one   ty which remains poor and backward.   tremism, white supremacy, domestic
             man/woman one vote.              Contemporary America is also expe-  terrorism that we must confront and
                It’s easy — and fashionable — to   riencing deep and widening income   we will defeat.”
             sneer at Americans. Left-leaning in-  inequalities, and a rising crime wave.   All right thinking people around
             tellectuals who despite the collapse   Moreover, the country is an epicentre   the world — and especially in India,
             of communism worldwide mysteri-  of the raging Coronavirus pandemic   the world’s most populous democracy
             ously continue to dominate the Indian   with  over 50  million  citizens  hav-  — should wish him God speed.

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