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             dents. Simultaneously, we have kept
             our  parents’  community  informed
             about our new online pedagogies and
             conducted several workshops to allay
             their fears and apprehensions. I be-
             lieve our systematic response to the
             pandemic-induced  schools  closure
             has helped us build goodwill among
             not  only  our  parents  but  the  local
             community as well,” says Mukherjee,
             principal of MCKV, which has 3,000
             children mentored by 138 teachers.
                It’s also important to bear in mind
             that for parents selecting most suit-
             able  day  schools  for  their  children,
             city rank is more important than na-
             tional and state rankings. Many boys
             day schools ranked beyond the Top
             15 in the 2021-22 national table have   MC Kejriwal, Howrah’s Mallika Mukherjee: 25th anniversary promotion
             established  excellent  reputations  in
             their host cities and states.    boys day school in Madhya Pradesh;   and SG V P  I n t e rn at i o n al  Scho o l ,
                Thus,  C am  p i o n   Scho o l ,   B ho -  L o yo l a Scho o l ,  T hi ruv an an t ha -  Ahm  e dab ad, ranked #30 country-
             p al ,  ranked #37 nationally is the #1   p uram   is India #23 and Kerala #1;   wide is #1 in Gujarat.

                            Board exam evaluation preferences (%)
                                                                                         EWIS R 2021- 22 T e n d s
                  Two-term/semester exams                                 24
                     Continous evaluation                                 36
                         One final exam                                   40

                                      1000   2000   3000  4000    5000
                                                No. of teachers interviewed

                  Two-term/semester exams                                              18
                     Continous evaluation                                              25
                         One final exam                                                57

                                    1000    2000   3000   4000   5000   6000   7000

                                                     No. of parents interviewed

                Source: This trend analysis has been collated by slicing, dicing and interpreting data/responses of 11,458 parents,
                senior teachers, principals and educators interviewed in 28 education hubs by the Delhi-based Centre for Forecasting
                & Research (C fore) for the EducationWorld India School Rankings 2021-22 survey

             242    EDUCATIONWORLD   NOVEMBER 2021
   237   238   239   240   241   242   243   244   245   246   247