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                                Shalom Group of Schools, Gurgaon

          The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but
               makes our life in harmony with all existence -- Rabindra Nath Tagore
                                                                 personality  who  exemplify  physical  health,
                                                                 wellness character and core values. The focus is
                                                                 on nurturing the minds to empower them to find
                                                                 solutions  to  the  difficult  life  situations  and
                                                                 problems  that  humanity  is  facing  and  become
                                                                 valued global citizens.
                                                                 The beautiful campus of Shalom Group gives a
                                                                 feeling  of  extended  home  environment.  The
                                                                 architectural beauty is enhanced with lush green
                                                                 lawns. Open spaces, play grounds, herbal gardens
                                                                 and  a  swimming  pool.  Our  schools  have  well
                                                                 ventilated class rooms, well-spaced-out Labs, and
                                                                 well-stocked libraries as an integral part of the
                                                                 modern set up for the children to explore.
          Founder & Chairperson (Dr. Lilly George) with Winners at Yale  Our continuous endeavor is to:
           We  at  Shalom  manifest  in  every  thought,  word  and
                                                                     empower  each  child  to  achieve  his/her
           action  our  philosophy  and  mindset  for  a  new  age   highest potential
           education. The educational scenario has undergone a
                                                                   focus on developing skills and competencies
           drastic change as the fallout of pandemic that has left   through hands on experience
           children with no choice other than being home bound.
                                                                   expose  them  to  creative  art  for  emotional
           Shalom group is making rapid strides by establishing       growth and understanding
                                                                   empower them through group work, Debate,
           present day educational pedagogy in its schools. The
           child  of  today  cannot  be  taught  with  traditional   discussion,  research  analysis  and
           methodology  and  learning  has  to  be  facilitated  by   documenting.
                                                                   encourage  them  to  participate  in  various
           understanding  individual  aptitude  and  capacity.  The
           potential  of  every  child  needs  to  be  optimized  by   Activities
                                                                   focus  on  Language  Expertise-  Listening,
           following suitable pedagogical practices.
           With a clear vision, foresight and prudence of our       Speaking, Reading and Writing by providing
           Founder and Chairperson Dr. (Mrs.) Lilly George,         extended learning opportunities
                                                                    focus on their physical fitness by organizing
           we have been able to curate a unique space for every
                                                                    various games and sports.
           child as per his/her interests, abilities and ambition.
                                                                    focus on their nutrition facts with awareness
           With  her  love  for  children  and  her  passion  for   of health and hygiene
           education,  Dr.  George  envisages  nurturing  such
                                                                    enhance  their  love  for  nature  and
           children who are the masters of self and able to lead the   environment  by  organizing  nature  walk  tree
           world by knowledge, analytical skills, problem solving   plantation and  many other activities.
           abilities  and  integrity  of  character. The  empowering
                                                                    nurture  their  mind  with  inspirational
           fuel  is  the  core  values  like  confidence,  courage,   episodes and short stories.
           compassion,  conviction,  commitment  and
                                                                    nurture  their  emotional  wellbeing  by
           consistency. An embodiment of grit courage, poise and    providing them sessions on life skills
           excellence, Dr. George is the strength and inspiration
                                                                    Community Outreach
           for every member of Shalom family and leads them      Through discovery, innovation, exploration and
           with example.                                         creative expression students receive rich learning
           Shalom  group  is  a  community  of  learners  who  are   opportunities  while  building  a  positive  school
           committed to provide a stimulating environment with   culture  whereby  every  child  is  received  with
           academic rigor by making learning so engaging that    unconditional positive regard and acceptance. All
           every child learns effortlessly and feels excited about   the  achievements  of  our  children  are  duly
           academics.   We develop a culture of excellence that   appreciated  and  celebrated.  We  welcome  our
           includes robust instructional plan aligned with the 21    children  with  open  arms  and  foster  best  home
           century  skills.  We  seek  to  develop  well  rounded   school relationship.
                                       for details please log on :
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