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“We created home learning hubs
for our students”
ducationWorld in conversation to keep the learners’ morale high,
with LV Sehgal, principal of the throughout. We also organised mental
Etop-ranked coeducational K-12 health workshops, values education
Bal Bharati Public School, GRH Marg, classes and kept the students engaged
New Delhi. in varied invigorating activities. Care
was also taken to conduct remedial and
What initiatives did your school take
to cope with the Covid-prompted special classes for students as per need.
shift to online education? Tell us about the most distinguishing
Our school made a comfortable features of your school.
switch to online teaching within a week Ours is the first school to be
of campus shutdown in April 2020. For established in 1944 under the aegis of
K-V students, we leveraged Microsoft the Child Education Society (Regd.)
Teams and the CRISP digital platforms L V Sehgal, that presently, manages 27 educational
to initiate scholastic and co-scholastic Principal, Bal Bharati Public School, GRH Marg institutions pan India. Consistently
online learning modules. Google Meet ranking high amongst the topmost
was used from class VI onward and platform to create study material, CBSE schools of India, the school
thereby helped us to facilitate. We used modules, videos besides PowerPoint supports inclusivity in education, and
Google Meet from class VI onward presentations, well before the focusses on holistic, quality education
and thereby facilitated uninterrupted pandemic. The school was also a for all learners. Additionally, the
holistic learning for all. subscriber to G Suite, and user-ids school’s multidisciplinary approach,
Our digital initiatives that were already being used by the staff focus on experiential, activity-based
successfully resulted in the creation and students. learning, and skills-based education
of home learning hubs for each of our After our school switched to online accompanied with a positive outlook
students, had begun with training classes, we organised in-house training contribute to its overall eminence.
workshops for teachers for effective for teachers in new age technologies Besides promoting academic
online curriculum transaction. Class usage including Google Classroom/ excellence, emphasis on co-curricular
WhatsApp groups that we routinely Microsoft Teams. Workshops were activities and sports is a hallmark at
create at the commencement of each also conducted to upskill educators Bal Bharati. Equipped with world-class
academic session, were optimized for with appropriate digital tools usage, sports and co-curricular education
effective school - parent interactions. including features like chat box, infrastructure and dedicated national/
Dedicated grade-appropriate jamboard etc. Our teachers were also state-level coaches/trainers, our school
timetables were prepared, ensuring familiarised with other creative tools is a proponent of physical fitness and
adequate breaks in-between such as Canva, Book creator, Kahoot, overall well-being of its students.
classes to avoid prolonged screen Google Padlet, Mentimeter etc. What is the mission statement of your
exposure. Endeavouring to ensure Moreover, various capacity building school?
a holistic learning experience, we workshops organised by CBSE, Our school consistently works
also incorporated library, sports and NCERT, DIKSHA, Google, Microsoft towards inspiring students to
co-curricular activities in the online were also attended by teachers for their achieve the highest standards of
classes. Periodically, assessments professional development. intellectual, social, emotional and
were conducted online, followed by What measures did the school take to moral development, through a multi-
virtual parent-teacher meetings to keep ensure mental well-being of students faceted approach to education. In our
parents informed about the progress and prepare them for in-person safe, supportive and joyous learning
of their ward/s, and overall school’s learning? environment, we endeavour to nurture
activities. Ensuring mental well-being of our disciplined, confident, resilient, and
Was specialized training offered to students during and post-Covid, has caring individuals who are future-
introduce teachers to the latest online been a priority at Bal Bharati. Our ready and lifelong learners.
teaching-learning pedagogies? Please empathetic teachers connected with Following our school motto, Hanso
elaborate. the students on a regular basis, beyond Nayaatu Naha Pragyam, it is our
IT - based pedagogy, using smart academics as well. Creating awareness prayer that guided by pure and wise
boards, including flipped learning, about covid-19, they reinforced covid- swan (hanso), revered as a symbol
was already being practiced in Bal appropriate behaviour, narrated of enlightenment, each Bal Bharatian
Bharati. Our teachers routinely used inspiring stories, posted motivational embarks on a new journey to new
the ‘Connected Classrooms’ digital and uplifting videos in the WA groups horizons, each day.