Page 36 - Education World Dec 2021
P. 36


              nationally  reputed  market  research
              and opinion polls company. They are
              asked to rate schools in their zones/re-
              gion under each parameter on a scale
              of 1-100 with the critical parameter of
              teacher competence accorded double
              weightage.  The  scores  awarded  to
              schools under each parameter by the
              sample respondents are totalled and
              schools are ranked nationally, in states
              and cities.
                The objective of this annual exer-
              cise is to enable parents to choose the
              most  convenient  and  aptitudinally
              suitable school for their children. To
              facilitate  choice  of  this  life-shaping
              institution, schools are ranked in 14
              separate and distinct categories such
              as co-ed day, day-cum-boarding, all-  Palety: spirited defence   Mohindra: huge public benefit
              boys  and  exclusively  girls  schools,
              legacy boarding co-ed, boys and girls   league tables rating and ranking the   audit  study  of  1.5  million  schools
              schools  and  international  schools   country’s  most-reputed  Budget  Pri-  countrywide would be ruinously ex-
              (day, day-cum-boarding and fully res-  vate Schools and pre-primaries, most   pensive and time consuming.
              idential). This is to avoid falling into   of which are still shuttered for fear of    Be that as it may, P re m  c h a n d
              the trap of making apples and oranges   youngest children being infected by   P a l e ty , an alum of the highly-ranked
              type comparisons.               the dread Coronavirus.           Punjab Engineering College, Chandi-
              A         S  MENTIONED  ABOVE   annual EWISR is to enable parents   Delhi, who began his career in ORG,
                                                 Although the prime purpose of the
                                                                               garh and Fore School of Management,
                        over  the  past  14  years
                                              to  choose  wisely  the  most  suitable
                                                                               India’s pioneer retail market research
                        since  the  annual  EW-
                        ISR was somewhat ten-  primary-secondary  school  for  their   company and later went solo as pro-
                                                                               moter-director of C fore (estb.2000),
                                              children, EWISR has also proved very
                        tatively launched, it has   useful for institutional managements.   arguably the country’s most respected
              evolved into the world’s largest prima-  It provides them with an independent,   market  research  and  opinion  polls
              ry-secondary schools ranking survey   objective image of their public pro-  company  (clients:  Congress  party,
              that evaluates the relative strengths   file, enabling them to conduct SWOT   Nestle, Mint among others) which has
              and weaknesses of over 3,000 most   (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities   conducted the annual EWISR since
              reputed schools in India. Last month   and  threats)  analyses  and  improve   2008, offers a spirited defence of the
              (November) in our 280-pages, 22nd   under parameters in which they re-  EWISR survey methodology.
              Anniversary issue, we presented Part   ceive low scores. Self-evidently, high-  “Although  EWISR  is  primarily  a
              I of EWISR 2021-22 featuring com-  ranked schools attract the best teach-  perceptions- based survey, it’s impor-
              prehensive league tables rating and   ers and brightest students.  tant to note that the perceptions are
              ranking  Day  (co-ed,  all-boys  and   Unfortunately, but perhaps inevi-  not of randomly selected lay people,
              girls),  Day-cum-boarding,  Govern-  tably in a society that doesn’t value   but of educationists, principals, teach-
              ment (day and boarding) and Special   innovation  and  achievement,  de-  ers,  fees-paying  parents  and  senior
              Needs schools.                  spite the annual EWISR highlighting   students  —  individuals  intimately
                Now  in  Part  II  of  EWISR  2021-  the critical importance of providing   connected with K-12 education on a
              22, we present detailed league tables   children a balanced, transformative   day-to-day  basis  and  well-aware  of
              rating India’s best Boarding (co-ed,   education experience to realise their   the best schools in their neighbour-
              all-girls and boys) schools — some of   potential, influential academics tend   hoods. This year, scores awarded un-
              them of over 150 years vintage and   to be sceptical, if not indifferent. Sev-  der the crucial parameter of ‘teacher
              globally admired — and International   eral respected academics have criti-  competence’ include grades awarded
              (day,  day-cum-boarding  and  fully   cised EWISR for being a perceptions-     to teachers in a special online test ad-
              residential)  schools  affiliated  with   based K-12 institutions survey rather   ministered by Centre for Teacher Ac-
              offshore  international  examination   than a detailed audit. Curiously, they   creditation (CENTA), the well-known
              boards. In addition, we also present   are unmindful of the reality that an   teacher development and certification

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