Page 87 - Education World Dec 2021
P. 87


                                                VIDYANIKETAN ACADEMY


                   John seems to                                                          What could cause such
                   be significantly                                                       a transformation? The
                “challenged here                                                          answer is never simple
             and may have a better                                                        or straightforward. It is
             chance of success in                                                         a journey each child
             another school.” said                                                        makes in unique and
             the principal.                                                               individual ways.
                John’s parents knew                                                         VNA strives to provide
             all too well what this                                                       an environment that
             statement meant, as he                                                       whole-heartedly accepts
             had been asked to leave                                                      children for who he or she
             his previous school as                                                       is and allows them to grow
             well for ‘restlessness’ and                                                  at their own pace without
             ‘disruptive behaviour’ in                                                    the pressure of achieving
             class, inability to cope with                                                an academic standard set
             the syllabus, incomplete                                                     for them by society. The
             work and difficulty getting                                                  VNA community facilitates
             along with his peers. Regardless of the school or curriculum his   and rejoices in every milestone a child achieves, no matter
             parents chose, the result was the same for John.  how small a step it may seem. John is but one of the cohorts
                Sadly, 9-year-old John had already attended three   of children who come to VNA, struggling to cope with personal
             mainstream schools and by this point, his parents felt a sense of   and societal challenges and mainstream modes of schooling
             hopelessness. They just wanted him to be a happy child enjoying   – particularly when facing the challenges of Attention Deficit
             a regular schooling experience like other children. This is when   Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Specific / Severe Learning
             John’s parents consulted a clinical psychologist for a formal   Difficulties (SLD).
             assessment and were referred to VNA.                Like a mainstream school, VNA presents each child with an
                John’s parents visited VNA with a sense of optimism and   array of opportunities to help them develop into well-rounded
             hesitation, as they were unsure if this was the right place for   and creative individuals. While this has been much easier to
             him, or if this school could really help him as it did not look like a   achieve in a physical setting, the Covid-19 pandemic has made it
             regular “school”. Post their visit and a few interactions later, his   significantly more challenging and frustrating to cope with remote
             parents felt more hopeful and assured that John would perhaps   learning for students with learning differences. The range of
             be better understood and supported at an alternative school such   methods used by teachers to support the varied ways in which
             as VNA.                                           each child learns has also been greatly curtailed.
                Given his past schooling experiences, John began school   However, VNA teachers remain optimistic and have gone out
             at VNA with some trepidation. It took quite a while for him in   of their way to ensure that they continue to provide their children
             the beginning, but he eventually began to settle in once he   with consistent routines and learning continuity. Beyond virtual
             felt included, accepted and supported. His teachers worked   classes, teachers have found innovative ways to connect, play
             collaboratively with his counselor and parents to develop his very   and bond with their children to help them feel comforted and
             own Individualized Education Plan (IEP) to specifically address   assured.
             his learning, behaviour and overall developmental needs.   Despite the hardships, the pandemic has also brought about
                “We were encouraged when we watched him make friends,   more opportunities for special educators to learn, share resources
             and heard him talk with excitement about his classes and the   and collaborate beyond borders. At VNA, they continue to remain
             things that interested him. With each passing day, we observed   encouraged by the possibilities and seek to share their expertise
             John’s enthusiasm, confidence and happiness continue to   in ‘special education’ with the wider community. They are also
             blossom. With the right intervention, differentiated approach,   keen to explore partnerships that can further strengthen practices
             and daily personalized support, we watched John beginning to   to support children in India, particularly those struggling to cope
             transform.” said John’s parents.                  with SLD, with the belief that many more Johns can call their
                Stories like John’s are the very reason why VNA exists.   school a real home away from home.

                                               EDUCATIONWORLD  DECEMBER  2021
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