Page 10 - EW JAN 2022
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                                              Kondapur branch.                 harness new digital technologies
                                                I would be grateful if you could   to improve education standards is
                                              carry out the change in your online   timely and relevant.
                                              edition.                                          Ramya Iyengar
                                                     Sindu Cherukuri, Polka Dots                    CHENNAI
                                                        Kondapur, HYDERABAD

                                              Sure. This change has been made   Shocking omission
                                              online on   I AM A regular reader of Education-
                                              — Editor                         World and eagerly await the rankings
                                                                               edition every year. It is refreshing
                                                                               to note that the list of philanthropic
                                              Importance of teachers           schools in the EW India School
                                              I AM AN early childhood educator   Rankings 2021-22 (EW November)
                                              and a recent subscriber of Educa-  has grown since last year. However,
                                              tionWorld. I am impressed with your   this year I noticed that among the
                      DECEMBER 2021           magazine’s high editorial standards   13 philanthropy schools listed, four
                                              and especially grateful that it accords   branches of the same group of insti-
                                              as much importance to early child-  tutions have been included.
             Impressive evolution             hood education as it does to primary-  On the other hand, it is shocking
             MY HEARTIEST compliments to      secondary and higher education.   that not a single school from south
             Team EW for the comprehensive      In Part II of EW India School   India has been included when sev-
             EducationWorld India School Rank-  Rankings 2021-22 (EW December),   eral schools in Karnataka and Tamil
             ings Part I and II (EW November   I noted that your magazine ranked   Nadu offer free-of-charge quality
             and December)! As an avid reader   preschools in six cities by rating   education to lakhs of students. They
             of EducationWorld — especially   them under ten parameters of early   are routinely featured among top
             the school rankings edition — I am   childhood excellence.        schools in the state when board
             impressed with the way EWISR has   It was also heartening to read the   results are declared.
             evolved and matured over the years   interviews of owners and principals   Considering that they are driven
             to match the needs of changing   of top ranked preschools, with most   by not-for-profit motives and work
             times.                           of them attributing their top ranking   towards achieving the goal of educa-
                For instance, in light of the 65-70   to the efforts of their teachers.   tion for all, the least you can do is
             weeks long schools lockdown forcing                Maya Sharma    improve your survey methodology
             children to learn from home with                    GURUGRAM      and give these schools the attention
             limited scope for sports educa-                                   they deserve.
             tion and internationalism, two new                                                Rakshitha Suresh
             parameters —‘online education effec-  Timely advice                                 BENGALURU
             tiveness’ and ‘mental and emotional   I AGREE WITH the views of Prof.
             well-being services’ — introduced   Geeta Kingdon in her Expert Com-
             this year have assumed greater   ment essay ‘Quality education: New   Rankings fatigue
             significance.                    definition’ (EW December). She has   I HAVE BEEN a subscriber of Edu-
                    Raksha Chinappa on EMAIL  correctly diagnosed the infirmities   cationWorld for the past decade. I
                                              of Indian education and urges a   admit your annual EW India School
                                              redefinition post-Covid of educa-  Rankings is one of the most credible
             Ours by default                  tion to prepare children and youth   ranking surveys in the country. But I
             WE WISH TO bring to your notice   to address contemporary health and   have a suggestion.
             that the Jubilee Hills branch of Polka   climate change challenges.   Over the years, a kind of fatigue
             Dots Preschool was shut down in    The time has come to pause,    has begun to set in with the same
             2019. Therefore, we believe that   reflect and introspect on rework-  set of schools being top-ranked year
             in the EW Hyderabad Preschool    ing our curriculums to include not   on year. Perhaps these schools can
             Rankings 2021-22 (EW December)   only knowledge and skills but also   be classified in a separate category
             in which Polka Dots, Jubilee Hills is   focus on instilling ethical values and   so that a fair chance can be given
             ranked #12 under the best propri-  attitudes to transform youth into   to other lesser-known exemplary
             etary preschools category should by   responsible global citizens. Prof.   schools.
             default be awarded to Polka Dots,   Kingdon’s appeal to educators to         Charu Singh on EMAIL

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