Page 105 - EducationWorld November 2020
P. 105


         Nurturing future-ready children

                   l dalmia high school   providing                        in the k12 segment as well as in
                   stands vibrant and dif-  students                       Higher Education. One of the most
                   ferentiated due to the   quality edu-                   important attribute of classroom
         N itive energy pulsat-           cation in                        learning is interaction with teach-
         ing in the school and its communi-  the right en-                 ers. This spirit of classroom learning
         cative, collaborative and connected   vironment                   is kept alive by well-trained teachers
         environment. However, the school   is taken                       and user friendly technologies.
         is unique in more ways than this.   forward
         The maxim of the school in pursuit   by the 3rd                    Connecting new learning to
         of excellence, well reflects in the   generation   Shailesh Dalmia   previous knowledge is a preroga-
         faith that education is the process of   in the same   Hon.Sec, N.L.Dalmia   tive in NLDHS. Simultaneously,
         awakening the individual potential   spirit.  Hon.   Educational Society  the School attends to teaching
         but the school resonate with the   Sec., Mr.                      complex thinking (context based
         belief that it is not a sufficient con-  Shailesh Dalmia has been respon-  and incidental learning) as well as
         dition and believes in facilitating   sible in providing the global and   computational thinking. Adaptive
         holistic development of students in   technological edge to the school. He   teaching, practiced by the compe-
         a nurturing environment. It is every   is a visionary with simple minded   tent team of teachers at NLDHS
         school’s responsibility to make its   focus on child centric education.    helps gauge the student’s previous
         students future ready.           The School and the entire man-   and current learning in order to
           NLDHS inculcates a sense of    agement team carries forward     create a personalized path through
         moral purpose in students, with   this great vision with vigour and   educational content.
         a keen focus on making them      enthusiasm.                       It is
         humane. In a world where artificial   Rising in response to the un-  rightly said
         intelligence and computers are   precedented challenges posed by   that oppor-
         taking charge, the school consid-  Covid-19 outbreak, the School has   tunities are
         ers it important to make students   responded effectively to the sudden   usually dis-
         sensitive to the world around them,   change. The current scenario is   guised as
         and at the same time, make them   not allowing traditional teaching   hard work.
         capable of facing challenges of the   methods, the need to learn skills   However,
         new world.                       of Virtual Teaching has become   NLDHS
           Leadership of the school has not   an absolute necessity. N L Dalmia   embraces
         only set the stage for long-term   High School uses various technical   to teach its   Seema Saini
         achievements but also ensured    platforms such as G Suite with its   students to   CEO & Principal
         sustainability. The founder Late   Google classes & meet, Zoom and   recognize
         Shri Niranjan Lal Dalmia’s vision of   Microsoft Teams to conduct classes   opportunities of every kind. The
                                                                                    CEO and Principal, Mrs.
                                                                                    Seema Saini has always
                                                                                    believed in the impor-
                                                                                    tance of visual and prac-
                                                                                    tical learning experi-
                                                                                    ences. The passionately
                                                                                    dedicated Mrs. Saini
                                                                                    has always ensured that
                                                                                    her team walks an extra
                                                                                    mile to help students
                                                                                    understand how their
                                                                                    schooling applies in the
                                                                                    real world.

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