Page 132 - EducationWorld November 2020
P. 132
How and why schools need to strengthen their online
presence for the longer term with Fliplearn Edge
Fliplearn tools have been curated Complicating the scenario, cost has
he Covid-19 pandemic to give schools and teachers also become a major concern for
has brought enormous complete control of their students’ parents and schools.
disruption to the world
Tand nobody has been learning and to offer a fun and To address this anomaly,
interactive learning experience.
able to escape its impact even as we Fliplearn Edge enables teachers to Fliplearn Edge has stepped forward
brace to face its after-effects. upload videos, photos, or content at and waived its subscription to
The stress on education has been will while allowing for individual schools across the country till
particularly marked as schools shut innovation and creativity. Teachers March 2022 to ensure students
down and classes were suspended can also create question papers have uninterrupted access to
leaving an entire generation of through an inbuilt bank with each information. Its custom-made,
students without schooling or question allowing a pre-set flexible engaging, and simplified content,
instruction. Faced with this sudden format for answers - objective type, and easy access to an array of
challenge, schools have begun short answer type, or long answer impressive features, has helped
grappling with means and methods type. The automated checker for simplify teaching and learning
of transcending this unusual both objective and subjective tests by teachers. Instant broadcasting,
obstruction. Struggling to complete gives the teacher more time for scheduling, assessments and
the syllabus and ensure continued personalized attention to each dashboards have bridged the
learning, most schools across the child. channel of information sharing with
country had to quickly adapt to students, parents, teachers, and
new technologies and per force E-learning needs access to more.
adopt e-learning for imparting devices and the internet, and of Fliplearn’s mantra: No school –
lessons to students in all fields and course the motivation to explore the or child – left behind.
disciplines. new virtual platform of learning. It Digital transformation has
is an excellent method of imparting
Technology has thus become lectures unbound by location or made the education system more
the catalyst of this transition and time. Teachers can opt for the transparent and equal. It has led to
has resulted in significant demand timings as per their convenience. an unprecedented transformation
for e-learning platforms so that Fliplearn Edge is a virtual learning from teacher-centric education
the academic journey of students tool for learning institutions to to student-centric education.
does not get obstructed. In effect, help guide, monitor and evaluate Fliplearn’s virtual classrooms and
online education has taken on a a student’s learning even when various online tools, incorporating
new meaning and portends to be the child is away from school. audio-visual content, flipped
the new normal in education in the Blended learning with an e-learning classroom strategy, 2D and 3D
future. support system will enrich the K12 content , quizzes, and so on are
Education in a post Covid world: teaching-learning space. helping to continue and enhance
the engagement between the
How Fliplearn Edge has helped Technology bridges the divide: teacher and students as close to the
Schools Fliplearn waives off subscription classroom-type experience.
To help speed up the process and Although a significant number
Online learning offers a lot
close the gap, apps like Fliplearn of schools have adopted the new of advantages to teachers and
Edge by Fliplearn, which was one normal to meet the student’s students; it also enhances the
of the prominent apps launched academic needs, the challenges of technical and presentation skills
just before the lockdown, offer the digital divide still remain and of both teacher and student. It also
customized interactive content and schools and students as well as helps in time management. Online
learning experience. No surprise teachers in non-metro cities, small learning will be the new normal
then, that Fliplearn Edge saw a towns and rural and semi-rural and is imminent that e-learning
remarkable increase in subscribers areas are still hamstrung by limited platforms will only play a greater
with more than 3 lakh school access to an internet connection, role as technology continues to
students, 15,000 teachers, and 250 equipment, skills and working improve the education system in
schools getting on board in this conditions to take advantage of India through cost-effective and
transition time. these new Edu-tech platforms. user-friendly digital solutions.