Page 18 - EducationWorld November 2020
P. 18


                                              the pandemic era. India can and   stalwarts in defence of the Indian
                                              must do the same.                Council of Agricultural Research
                                                                 Ajay Mathur   (ICAR), I believe there is a funda-
                                                                  GURUGRAM     mental flaw in their perception of
                                                                               the role of publicly funded agricul-
                                                                               ture studies and research. If it is
                                              PM: Act urgently!                compulsory for MBBS graduates of
                                              YOUR COVER STORY ‘Prime          government funded medical colleges
                                              Minister: Indian education needs   to serve a minimum tenure in rural
                                              pandemic aid package’ (EW October)   areas, why should the same not apply
                                              exposes the Narendra Modi-led BJP   for graduates/students of govern-
                                              government’s willful neglect of the   ment agricultural universities? How
                                              pandemic-battered education sector.   good is research and innovation if it
                                                In India’s 1.2 million government   does not solve problems at the grass-
                                              schools teaching-learning has all but   roots level?
                                              stopped since the nationwide lock-  These are questions that should
                      OCTOBER 2020            down was imposed in end-March,   cross the minds of bureaucrats
                                              and an estimated 20 million children   responsible for framing policies for
                                              have dropped out of the school edu-  these ‘ivory tower’ institutions of
                                              cation system.                   agriculture education excellence.
             Truly shocking neglect             Worse, because of the closure of      Chandrika Menon on EMAIL
             THANK YOU FOR the cover story    1.4 million anganwadis, youngest
             ‘Prime Minister: Indian education   children are being deprived of nutri-
             needs pandemic aid package’ (EW   tion, and in government primary   Pathetic outreach
             October). It’s truly shocking that the   schools, of their free mid-day meal   I AM A regular reader of Educa-
             prime minister didn’t allocate even   for the past six months. The situation   tionWorld. Your excellent Special
             Re.1 to the education sector in the   of private schools is no better as hun-  Report ‘India’s ivory tower agricul-
             government’s Rs.20.97 lakh crore   dreds of budget private schools have   tural universities’ (EW October) has
             economic aid/stimulus package an-  shut down across the country with   streamed a strong spotlight on the
             nounced in May.                  managements reeling under massive   pathetic outreach of 71 government-
                This despite several education   fees revenue loss.            funded agriculture universities which
             activists pleading with the PM to   Prime minister Narendra Modi   have failed to improve the country’s
             immediately address the nutrition   should urgently heed your appeal   productivity or GDP. An eye-opener
             and education deprivation suffered   before it’s too late!        indeed!
             by millions of children enrolled in                Gargi Banerjee          Indira Sawhney on EMAIL
             government schools. Moreover,                           KOLKATA
             surely it’s self-evident that under-
             privileged children don’t have digital                            Miracle Foundation lead
             devices or Internet connectivity to   Perception flaw             I ENJOYED READING Educa-
             access the free online classes the   YOUR WELL-WRITTEN feature    tionWorld’s September issue. The
             government is beaming on its free   ‘India’s ivory tower agricultural   articles are well-researched and
             online learning portals. Already the   universities’ (EW October) did an   very informative and inspirational. I
             prolonged closure of schools has   excellent job of suggesting ways   especially liked the People story on
             forced millions of children to drop   and means to improve productivity   Nivedita Das Gupta, country head
             out of the education system and join   of the country’s agriculture sector   of the Miracle Foundation which is
             the country’s massive child labour   and implementing the Union   providing education and nutrition to
             force.                           government’s recent initiatives for   abandoned and orphaned children
                The Central government needs   liberalising and deregulating the   living in child care institutions.
             to urgently allocate a pandemic aid   sector. It highlighted the hitherto   We need many more such activ-
             package for education to ensure   glossed over issue of farm-academia   ists to come forward and provide
             learning continuity for all children,   gap in this crucial sector that   financial support to underprivileged
             especially those in government   provides employment to the majority   children who have been especially hit
             schools. Several countries have made   of Indian citizens.        hard by the Covid-19 pandemic.
             generous allocations to keep their   Despite the arguments presented         Ranjani Lakshmikanth
             education institutions alive during   by eminent academics and industry               BENGALURU

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