Page 79 - EW June 2021 Low Res
P. 79

ISB’s Dr. Rajendra Srivastava (centre): successful stewardship

             Asian countries, especially neigbouring China.    with state-of-the-art infrastructure, digital connectivity and
                Various  explanations  are  offered  for  this  paradox.   international outreach and students selectivity, they pro-
             Among them: the syllabuses and curriculums of B-schools   vide their privileged students opportunities to make great
             tend to focus on US-style free markets, while the Indian   breakthroughs in innovative, original research. That’s why
             economy is government dominated and highly regulated;   India’s best B-schools are national assets that deserve de-
             socialist era licence-permit-quota government regulations   tailed scrutiny and SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, oppor-
             prevent graduates from applying education and knowl-  tunities, threats) analyses that the annual EW B-schools
             edge acquired in B-schools; managing ubiquitous corrup-  rankings provide institutional managements and postgrad
             tion in government and industry regulatory agencies is not   students searching for business management education
             factored into B-school curriculums. Neither are ways and   best suited to their aptitudes and aspirations.
             means to manage legacy corporates and conglomerates in   However given the abundant information available
             which inexperienced sons and daughters succeed first gen-  in mainstream media about government promoted IIMs
             eration entrepreneurs and promoters. The relatively poor   which routinely top national rankings surveys and admit
             competitive record of India Inc when compared with For-  a mere 2.5 percent percent of college graduates who write
             tune 500 companies suggests that the education dispensed   their annual joint Common Admission Test, for several
             by India’s best B-schools is not quite in sync with the needs   years past your editors have restricted themselves to rat-
             and requirements of industry and the economy.     ing and ranking next-best private B-schools which absorb
                Nevertheless there’s no reason to believe that the coun-  98 percent of students who write CAT but don’t make it into
             try’s best B-schools are not sentient learning organisations   the IIMs. They also need information that enables them to
             with vast scope for improvement. Given good leadership,   choose B-schools that will best fulfil their career progres-
             India’s top-ranked private B-schools, promoted, construct-  sion goals.
             ed and commissioned at great expense, have the potential   To compile the EW India Private B-schools Rankings
             to re-imagine and conceptualise innovative, organic sylla-  2021-22, the Delhi-based Centre for Forecasting & Research
             buses and curriculums to stimulate a massive productivity   (C fore) persuaded 1,117 knowledgeable sample respon-
             leap in India Inc and other sectors of the economy. More-  dents comprising a mix of B-school faculty and industry
             over with their excellent, globally benchmarked campuses   representatives countrywide to rate the most well-reputed

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