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International News

             perceived threats by China over its students. Chinese stu-
             dent fees make up 25-30 percent of income at some top
             Australian universities. While that figure is lower at British
             universities, Chinese students are still worth an estimated
             £1.7 billion (Rs.16,490 crore) to the UK’s higher education
             sector. They also heavily subsidise public higher educa-
             tion in the US and Canada. The one place where mainland
             China has implemented an actual ban on student outflows
             is Taiwan, a self-governed island with a population of 23
             million that Beijing considers its territory. The ban came
             after Taiwan shut its borders in February to everyone who
             was not a Taiwan resident, including mainland Chinese. It
             has been in essence free of Covid-19 since April.

               UNITED KINGDOM
             History revisionism debate                        Education secretary Michael Gove: history wars woes

                     IN HIS FOUR YEARS AS UK’S EDUCATION sec-  identify with the protagonists makes for “more passionate
                     retary, Michael Gove has learned that no subject   historians”. Hannah Cusworth, head of history at a school
                     on the curriculum is as contentious as history. As   with a sizeable minority of black pupils, teaches children
             he acknowledged in a speech in 2013, it can be an “ideologi-  about Miranda Kaufmann’s book, Black Tudors, in part to
             cal battleground” for “contending armies”. In the past few   demonstrate “there was a history before slavery”.
             months, UK’s history wars have spilled onto the streets. Re-  In the end, change is likely to come organically. Teachers
             visionism has required toppling statues rather than hosting   are most comfortable talking about topics they themselves
             seminars; the worth of literature classics and television is   were taught. As university curriculums evolve, so will the
             being radically reappraised. Campaigners want the curricu-  classroom. And as academics like Kaufmann unearth more
             lum “decolonised” and the history of black Britons made   neglected stories from the past, teachers like Cusworth will
             compulsory in schools.                            be excited to pass them on. History may be a battlefield, but
                Partly in reaction to such demands, Policy Exchange,   its terrain is always shifting.
             a think-tank close to the government, launched a “history
             matters” project on June 29, to “address the rewriting of    GLOBAL
             history as it happens”. But right-wingers are equally keen   Massive pandemic cost
             on disseminating the ‘right kind’ of history. Gove’s first at-
             tempt to rewrite the history curriculum to give “a connected   F THE 1.5 BILLION CHILDREN FORCED OUT OF
             sense of the narrative of our islands” was widely criticised   school by lockdowns around the globe, 700 million
             as narrow and triumphalist.                       Oare in developing countries. Like pupils in rich
                Yet demands to add or remove pet topics from the na-  countries, their education is suffering. But the consequenc-
             tional curriculum are largely pointless. Most children at-  es in poor places will be far worse. Before the pandemic,
             tend academy, free schools or private schools, none of   more children were in school than ever before, according
             whom are bound by the curriculum. In any case, it only   to Robert Jenkins, head of education at Unicef, the United
             applies until children turn 14, when the subject becomes   Nations’ children’s fund. In its aftermath nearly 10 million
             optional, and provides vague menus of suggested topics that   children in 40 countries might never return to formal edu-
             leave teachers plenty of choice. “The power is really with   cation, estimates Save the Children, the well-known charity.
             history teachers and schools,” says Michael Riley of Uni-  The economic impact of the pandemic has forced many
             versity College London. “They have the freedom to devise   to abandon their studies in favour of work. Between 2000
             the curriculum they want.”                        and 2020 the number of children in work around the
                Many are beginning to do just that. According to a survey   world fell by 40 percent, mostly because more were going
             in 2019 by the Historical Association, an educational char-  to school. Covid-19 is undoing that progress. In the Demo-
             ity, about four in ten state schools have altered their lessons   cratic Republic of Congo growing numbers are helping their
             in the last two years to include a broader range of history.   parents in mines, says Stephanie Shumsky of Pact, an aid
             Take Jaspreet Kaur, a history teacher who likes to ask “who   group. Others are being recruited into militias. In Jordan
             am I ignoring?” when planning lessons. That has meant   young Syrian refugees are toiling on farms.
             educating her pupils about Sophia Duleep Singh, an Indi-  Experts are most worried about the effect on girls. In
             an suffragette, as well as Emmeline Pankhurst. She argues   the handful of places that have reopened schools, such as
             that teaching topics in a way that allows all her students to   Vietnam and the Ivory Coast, teachers say girls are notably

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