Page 98 - EducationWorld Aug 2020 Flipbuilder
P. 98


             Too big boots                                     the infamous neta-babu brotherhood, the legal process is
                                                               punishment, and Akbar’s defamation plaint has disap-
                                                               peared within the mountainous load of 30 million cases
                  OR BELEAGUERED MANAGEMENTS OF English        pending in the courts. Meanwhile the crab culture of the
                  television news channels, the sustained advertis-  media world has pilloried and cast this accomplished
             Fing splash of the unlikely Gujarat Cooperative Milk   writer with extraordinary clarity of mind and trenchant
             Marketing Federation (GCMMF) has clearly come as   turn of phrase, into the outer darkness and blacked out
             manna from heaven. Technically GCMMF is owned by   his compelling new book. Although Akbar undoubtedly
             milk producing farmers banded together into modest   had a reputation, the general perception is that he was a
             cooperatives. These dairy farmers are probably unaware   successful — and much-envied — Don Juan with a high
             of the very existence of English news channels. But this   strike ratio, rather than an aggressor who forced his at-
             federation of cooperatives based in Gujarat, owns Amul —   tentions.
             one of India’s most popular brands developed under the   Unfortunately, in recent years a whole new monstrous
             supervision of the late and legendary Dr. Verghese Kurien   regiment of women warriors whose preoccupation is to
             (1921-2012), who during his eventful lifetime built the   wind up ‘wronged women’ to expose alpha males for trial
             National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), GCMMF,   by sensations-hungry media, has sprung up on Indian
             and Amul from ground up. Launched by Kurien, the   terra firma. Tarun Tejpal, former publisher-editor of
             White Revolution transformed chronically milk-deficient   Tehelka, is another talented writer-journalist — already
             India into the world’s largest producer of milk and dairy   pronounced guilty by frothing television anchors — who
             products, and cut the ground under from several dairy   has been contesting an improbable sexual misconduct
             multinationals that were buying cheap and selling dear.   case for over five years, his finances and promising career
             The recent ad splurge must have cost GCMMF millions of   as a man of letters buried deep in our national graveyard
             dollars.                                          of talent.
                This profligacy is in sharp contrast with several cam-
             paign proposals advanced to R.S. Sodhi, who succeeded
             Kurien as the CEO of GCMMF, to modestly — in our mu-  Overdue land reform
             tual interest — advertise in EW which is directly targeted
             at EPS (educators, parents and students) and therefore,   LTHOUGH BJP GOVERNMENTS AT THE Centre
             highly cost-effective. Our mewing solicitations have been   and in the states have not particularly distin-
             studiously ignored by Sodhi, unmindful of the fact that   Aguished themselves for policy and project imple-
             Kurien readily accepted the merit of our proposition   mentation, the party’s leadership deserves some credit
             even at the time when EW was in its infancy. Evidently   for its commitment to big ticket structural reforms which
             Sodhi, hand-picked and nurtured by Kurien to succeed   offer a modicum of hope of extrication of the suffering
             him, believes he knows better than his mentor. During   citizenry from the wilderness of neta-babu socialism.
             his lifetime, despite the opposition of commies and fellow   Some initiatives of the BJP indicate that the party is ready
             travellers who continuously belittled his achievements,   to make a break with control-and-command socialism
             Kurien built Amul into the country’s most loved brand   which has bankrupted post-independence India.
             and converted India into the world’s largest producer of   Recently, the BJP state government introduced the
             milk and dairy products. Too big boots for Sodhi.
                                                               Karnataka Land Reforms (Amendment) Ordinance
                                                               2020 to repeal several provisions of the Karnataka Land
             Talent graveyard elegy                            Reforms Act, 1974 which cleverly suppressed the price
                                                               of agriculture land to the advantage of the rural landed
                                                               gentry. Under s.79 of the Act, agricultural land could be
                   RIVETING HISTORY OF THE FINAL YEARS         purchased only by agriculturists. With high net worth
                   before the independence and partition of India   urban citizens prohibited from owning agricultural land,
             A  titled Gandhi’s Hinduism — The Struggle Against   gates were opened for the rural gentry who dominated the
             Jinnah’s Islam (Bloomsbury 2020) which documents the   state’s Congress party, to accumulate vast benami land-
             rise of Mohammed Ali Jinnah (1876-1948) from an effete   holdings. Also barred from leasing or mortgaging farm
             epicurean, agnostic barrister of the Bombay high court   land or signing contract farming agreements, distressed
             into the leader of India’s then 50 million-strong Muslim   farmers had no option but to sell out. In effect, agriculture
             community and founding father of Pakistan, has been   land became a substantially devalued, if not dead asset.
             comprehensively ignored by Indian media. Presumably   The iniquitous impact of this regressive legislation
             because it is written by M.J. Akbar, founding editor of   was experienced first-hand by your publisher who was
             Sunday, The Telegraph (Kolkata) and Asian Age. Akbar   obliged to sell inherited farmland to an agriculturist at a
             is currently in the national doghouse following charges   throwaway price. Now following belated amendment of
             of sexual harassment by several women journalists who   the KLR Act, with corporates and urban high net worth
             worked with him during his four decades-plus career in   individuals free to purchase the very same property, its
             mainstream media.                                 price has risen manifold. Fortunately, even if belatedly,
                The media blackout of this excellent book is totally un-  the state government has seen the light.
             warranted because Akbar has not been convicted by any   But the Amendment Bill has to be enacted by the
             court of law. On the contrary, he has courageously filed a   state’s legislative assembly, and predictably the opposi-
             suit against one of his alleged victims for character defa-  tion Congress party which has legislated the Act, is oppos-
             mation. Inevitably, in our fractured democracy ruined by   ing the amendment as anti-farmer. Incorrigible.

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