Page 69 - EducationWorld May 2021
P. 69


                                       The built environment isn’t

                                       pandemic-proof — can the right

                                       education change that?

                he deadly new wave of the   dignity, care and harmony with nature, not
                Covid-19 pandemic that is ravaging   just convenience, efficiency and economy
                India has brought us face-to-face   of space. Architects across the globe
         Twith the dangers of not paying   are reckoning with the pitfalls of the built
         enough attention to building robust healthcare   environment, as they are pushed to reimagine
         infrastructure. As images of people scrambling   a new approach. So formidable has been
         to get a hospital bed or an oxygen cylinder   the impact of Covid-19 that the road ahead
         for their loved ones overwhelm us with grief,   will require people to look at everything from
         they also tell us to introspect where we, as a   the vantage point of safety and sustainability.
         society, went wrong.             Simple changes in the built environment to
           Does this catastrophic lack of   paradigm shifts in design thinking can together
         foresightedness stem solely from   build sustainable solutions.   Professor Arjya B. Majumdar
         misgovernance? Or does it run deeper into the   How should we start then? The scope that
         philosophies that govern us as a civilisation?   educational institutions have in this regard   but they will also get to know the nuances
         Why don’t we have the basic preparedness   is immense. As a leading private university   of legality, policy-making, environmental
         to deal with a pandemic like this in this 21st   in the country, O.P. Jindal Global University   issues, questions of economics, technology,
         century? The pandemic has revealed cracks   (JGU) has taken many steps that prepare our   sustainability and ecology. After all, an
         in both the metaphorical building blocks   students for dynamic, unpredictable times.  architect who ignores the relevance of
         of our nation and quite literally, the “built   The unique offering of Jindal School of   variables outside of aesthetics, engineering
         environment” around us.          Art and Architecture (JSAA), as India’s   or economics alone, cannot really be capable
           This built environment that lays the   first interdisciplinary school of the built   of building a truly sustainable world. It is a
         foundation for human life—from buildings to   environment, is one such step that is   holistic, multidisciplinary education that has
         open spaces, parks, streets and so on—is   immensely relevant to today’s context.   the potential to combine and create knowledge
         simply not prepared for a pandemic. Big   Through its various programmes in   from different perspectives that could pre-empt
         corporate offices are becoming redundant;   architecture, built environment, and design,   some of the consequences of such crises.
         densely-packed spaces are leading to a faster   JSAA has the capability to train young minds   It is worth mentioning that faculty at
         spread of the virus; many living spaces are   to navigate the challenges of pandemic-  JSAA comprises a pool of globally qualified
         strained to accommodate the “new normal”;   proofing the built environment of the future.  academicians and professionals from different
         sewage systems, transport systems, public   JSAA’s curriculum has been developed   domains. Architects, historians, engineers,
         spaces, and so many more aspects that   keeping in mind the need to study architecture   geographers, lawyers, artists, conservationists
         touch our everyday lives are facing serious   and the built environment from the perspective   and more work in tandem to guide students to
         challenges.                      of social sciences and humanities. This is   become agents of change who can question
           Alongside the healthcare crisis, the ways   because the built environment needs to   the status quo and reshape the world in the
         in which we live, work, learn and play have   combine design thinking and engineering   face of unprecedented challenges.
         been dramatically disrupted. As concepts like   brilliance with elements of care and thoughtful   At JSAA, students work on live projects,
         “social distancing” or “work from home” and   considerations to withstand complex problems   thereby gaining hands-on experiences that
         “online classes” have woven their way into   like a pandemic.     offer a chance to make a real impact in the real
         the foreseeable future, people are faced with   The mess that our cities have become   world. Internship opportunities in global firms
         struggles every step of the way.  amid the pandemic only validates the wisdom   will further bolster their confidence to become
           We must wonder, then, how our homes,   of that vision. No one can deny the need to   changemakers when they enter the job market
         hospitals, schools, and our cities, towns,   make our spaces functional even during such   or pursue higher education.
         villages and neighbourhoods have been built   difficult times. To achieve that, we will have   As the ongoing pandemic changes the
         until now—and how they can evolve to be   to reimagine the spaces that we use. We will   course of architecture, JSAA offers a platform
         resilient to the dangers of a pandemic. For   have to make them more humane. For, a built   for young people to become a part of rewriting
         experts have already warned that Covid-19   environment that is humane need not render   the narrative of the built environment of the
         will definitively not be the last pandemic that   an elderly person or a young one completely   future, to come together and build a more
         the world will fight. So, the message is clear.   idle even during a possible temporary isolation   resilient world that can be better prepared to
         Even after we overcome this, the threat of   period during a future pandemic or drive   deal with a pandemic.
         another pandemic still looms large.  the migrant labourers out of the city when a
           Lessons from the pandemic suggest that   lockdown is announced.          Professor Arjya B. Majumdar
         the edifice of the future built environment   Students of JSAA will not only learn the   Dean, Admissions & Outreach
         must be created on the foundation of   fundamentals of architecture and design,   O.P. Jindal Global University

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