Page 75 - EducationWorld May 2021
P. 75

Beyond the Top 3, PSG College
             of Technology, Coimbatore,
             ranked #4, Thapar Institute of
             Engineering & Technology,
             Patiala #5 and RV College of
             Engineering, Bengaluru #6 have
             all retained their last year’s ranks
             in EWIPEIR 2021-22. But further
             down the Top 10 league table of
             India’s best private engineering
             colleges, there is a rearrangement in
             the seating order.
                Manipal Institute of Tech-
             nology has lost ground at #7 (#5
             in 2020-21) even as BMS College
             of Engineering, Bengaluru has
             risen to #8 (10) jointly ranked with
             SSN College of Engineering,
             Kalavakkam, Tamil Nadu (7).
             SASTRA University, Thanjavur
             (8) and Shiv Nadar University,   RVCE’s Subramanya (centre) & students: right direction trajectory
             Dadri (8) are jointly ranked #9 and
             PES University, Bengaluru #10    record is better than in the past   Mumbai #25 (28).
                                                                                 With the southern state of Tamil
             (11) to complete the Top 10 table.   few years. However, the flip side   Nadu (516) and Maharashtra
             P         ROF. K.N. SUBRA        Covid-19. We have learnt many im-  (370) hosting the largest number
                                              is that we lost two of our faculty to
                                              portant lessons from the pandemic
                       MANYA, principal of
                                                                               of private engineering colleges in
                       RV College of Engi-
                                              and reinventing our curriculum,
                       neering, Bengaluru     and are fully committed to adapting   the country followed by Karnataka
                                                                               (212), it’s hardly surprising that
             (RVCE, estb.1963), is pleased about   pedagogies, research and innova-  colleges of these three states
             the college’s #6 India and espe-  tion practices to deliver cutting-edge   dominate the national league
             cially its #1 rank in Karnataka, with   engineering education,” says Sub-  table. Tamil Nadu has 32 private
             top scores on the parameters of   ramanya, an alumnus of Bangalore   engineering colleges ranked among
             industry interface and curriculum   University and IIT-Madras with   the Top 100; Maharashtra 21 and
             and pedagogy (digital readiness).   over 27 years of teaching, research   Karnataka 17.
             “Retaining our last year’s rank is   and consultancy experience, who   However, it’s important to bear in
             the first step towards attaining our   was appointed principal of the R.V.   mind that although some engineer-
             objective of being numbered among   College of Engineering in 2016. Cur-  ing colleges are modestly ranked
             India’s Top 3 engineering colleges.   rently the college has an enrolment   nationally, they are highly ranked in
             Our top scores under the parameters   of 5,850 students and 360 faculty on   their states, some of whom are more
             of industry interface and curricu-  its muster rolls.             populous than the average European
             lum and digital readiness are proof   Further down the 129-strong   country. For instance, the KJ So-
             that we are moving in the right   league table of India’s best private   maiya College of Engineering,
             direction. RVCE has been working   engineering colleges, several   Mumbai, ranked #25 nationally, is
             with industry on interdisciplinary   institutes have risen substantially in   ranked #1 in Maharashtra (pop.115
             research projects for more than two   the esteem of the informed public.   million). GITAM, Visakhapat-
             decades and has established several   Among them: Amrita School of   nam (ranked #27 nationally) is
             centres of excellence on campus in   Engineering, Coimbatore to #12   Andhra Pradesh’s #1 engineering
             collaboration with best companies.   (from #16 in 2020), Thiagarajar   college and Rungta College of
             Highest quality digital teaching-  College of Engineering,        Engineering and Technology,
             learning — as indicated by our top   Madurai #13 (18), International   Bhilai (#77 all-India) is #1 in the
             score — is our strong point with fac-  Institute of Information   state of Chhattisgarh.
             ulty well-trained to conduct online   Technology (IIIT), Bengaluru   In sum, all the engineering col-
             classes. The outcome is that despite   #18 (30), and K.J. Somaiya   leges included in EWIPEIR 2021-22
             the pandemic, RVCE’s placements   College of Engineering,         are among the best countrywide.

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