Page 83 - EducationWorld May 2021
P. 83

         INNOV@TION AT CHITKARA UNIVERSITY’S                               teacher education journey. E-portfolios
                                                                           are globally recognised and have even
         COLLEGE OF EDUCATION-ALTERING THE DNA                             found mention in the New Education Policy

         OF TEACHER EDUCATION                                              2020. Moreover, it offers Alpha Teachers
                                                                           a platform to showcase theirContinuous
                                                                           Professional Development and is designed
         Dr. Madhu Chitkara, Pro-Chancellor, Chitkara University, Punjab   as a marketing tool to give them an edge in
                                                                           employment drives.
         The Exordium                                                      Global Teaching/Internship Exposure @
           The compelling desire to “innovate”                             CCE
         remains the clear-cut impetus for identifying                      To document what Alpha teachers
         favourable opportunities and acting                               learn during internship, the college
         upon them. It is the fine blend of intense                        conceptualisedthe idea of ‘Reflections of
         ambitions and stirring curiosity that enables                     Alpha Teachers’ Diary’. This academic
         people and organisations worldwide to stay                        repository was created and designed to
         relevant and grow optimally. For Chitkara’s                       provide Alpha Teachers with a document
         College of Education (CCE), innovation has   learning at CCE was conceived to provide   containing evidence of their learning
         been the heart of every mechanism which   continuous academic engagement through   during “Learning to function as a teacher”.
         the college formulates and implements for   digital content. The college designede-  The repository is designed in such a way
         provision of unparalleled teacher education   content in the form of a‘Daily Teaching   that various aspects of hands-on training
         to its students. Whether it is the Mobile   Nib’as part of Alpha Teachers’Tool Kit.   provided to Alpha teachers are duly
         teaching-learning and assessments, its   A Daily TeachingNib -- based on a theory   recorded.
         innovative B.Ed model or the Futuristic Ph   (Bloom’s Taxonomy, Multiple Intelligences   Integrated, Interactive and Innovative
         D Programme, the CCE has long provided   theoryetc) -- is an academic tipshared   Lesson Plan@ CCE
         aspiring teachers with enriching exposure.   through the university’s LMS viz. Chalkpad   A lesson plan is a step-by-step guide that
         Teacher Education Modules @ CCE  with Alpha Teachers which helps them   helps teachers maintain a standard teaching
           After a major revamp in 2014, the College   engage with multiple pedagogies in their   pattern and doesn’t let the class deviate
         of Education initiated eight ground-breaking   classrooms during internship at associate   from the topic. It also provides teachers
         teacher education modules which aimed to   schools. The Daily Teaching Nib also   with learning objectives, quality questions,
         “alter the DNA of future teachers” in light of   helps enhance their Teaching Practice   supplies, and age appropriate activities.
         the technologically advancing and dynamic   Experience.           Lesson plansconceptualised, created and
         Industry 4.0.The modules includeEDExpert   Innovative Simulated Model for Bachelor   followed at Chitkara have certain unique
         (building language proficiency, ICT   of Education Programme @ CCE   characteristics. They focus on promoting
         skills, knowledge of health and physical   Another feature ofChitkara’s College of   multilingualism inthe classroom and gives
         education, and confidence through school   Education is the School Internship model   Alpha teachers the option to engage their
         internships), EDLearner(empowering   based on the Socio-Cultural Theory of   learners using different languages. Lesson
         teachers to understandstudent psychology),   Vygotsky. The model provides quality   plans motivate alpha teachers to frame
         EDTutor(learning about technological   internship to aspirant teachers (Alpha   instructional objectives related to the three
         changes, recent inventions, lesson plan   Teachers). School internships are divided   domains of learning,and focus on learners’
         making and functional assessment   into four stages. This programme guide   all-round development. They also stimulate
         tools), EDManager(inculcating core   outlines an approach to Learning to function   Alpha teachers to use various learning
         management skills), EDMentor(enabling   as a Teacherand maps the view about   spaces tomaximise student involvement.
         aspiring teachers to guide and counsel   Vygotsky’s claims about students’ learning   Pioneering Doctoral Programme@ CCE
         students), EDSocial(learning about   in a school setting. The 4 Stages of School   Another addition to Chitkara’s College
         education commissions, nationalism and   Internship viz. Explain, Model, Scaffolding   of Education is its Ph DProgramme in
         India’s education system), EDGlobal   and Independent explain the progression of   Education– with a strong pedagogical
         (equipping future teachers with knowledge   aspirant teachers from Novice to Expert in   framework -- which endeavours to
         of “global standards of teaching”)   the Internship School (associate school).  shape Alpha Doctors. The functional
         and EDProfile(building e-portfolios,   Creating evidence-based E-Portfolio in   PhD programme specifically crafted for
         employability skills and soft skills).   accordance with the Global standards@   working teachers, runs in cohesion with
         Mobile Teaching, Learning and    CCE                              theirrespective school calendars. Like
         Assessments @CCE                   The college strongly advocates   B.Ed., the college’s advanced modules of
           The college strives to carry out academic   the creation of E-Portfolios as they   PhD shape educators and researchers to
         processes aligned with global standards   provideinsights into their personality,   become university teachers, educational
         through active teacher-student-industry   skills, strengths and evidence of learning   leaders, professional practitioners,
         participation. The practice of using Mobile   and certifications acquired through their   policymakers etc.

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