Page 134 - Medicine and Surgery
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                   130 Chapter 3: Respiratory system

                     ventricular(parasternal)heaveduetoincreasedstroke     Right bundle branch block: RSR’ in lead V 1 (may be
                     work,a raised JVP with a prominent ‘a’ wave due to  transient).
                     increased right atrial pressure.
                     There may be chest signs resulting from alveolar at-

                     electasis or complicating pneumonia. Pleural inflam-
                                                                1 In massive pulmonary embolism, there is haemody-
                                                                  namic compromise which may require resuscitative
                                                                  therapy. With large emboli, thrombolysis or surgical
                     Clinical signs of a deep vein thrombosis may also be

                                                                  thrombectomy with cardiac bypass may be life-saving.
                                                                2 Prevention of propagation and recurrence: Unfrac-
                                                                  tionated intravenous heparin is started immediately
                   Macroscopy                                     titrated according to the APTT. For small or moderate
                   Blood enters the pulmonary vasculature and thus there  emboli subcutaneous low molecular weight heparin is
                   is congestion proximal to the blockage. Affected areas  as effective and does not require monitoring of APTT.
                   appear haemorrhagic and are frequently wedge shaped.  Therapy is converted to warfarin after 48 hours (for 3
                   Repair results in the formation of a white scar.  months minimum – usually 6 months). Lifelong war-
                                                                  farin may be indicated depending on the underlying
                   Microscopy                                     cause, or in recurrent embolism.
                   Typical features include haemorrhage (due to extravasa-  3 If anti-coagulants are unsuccessful or contraindicated
                   tion of blood), loss of cell architecture, cellular infiltra-  a filter may be inserted into the inferior vena cava to
                   tion and occasionally necrosis.                prevent further pulmonary embolism.
                                                                4 Standard prophylaxis pre- and postoperatively, and
                   Complications                                  for bed bound patients or those at risk – subcutaneous
                   Cardiopulmonary arrest and death in the acute stages.  lowmolecularweightheparin,graduatedcompression
                   Atrial fibrillation and other arrhythmias. Recurrent  stockings and early mobilisation if possible.
                   thromboembolic disease may cause pulmonary hyper-
                   tension.                                     Prognosis
                                                                Tenper cent of symptomatic emboli are fatal.
                   The chest X-ray may be normal. Atelectasis and areas of
                   hypoperfusion may be seen, and large emboli may cause  Pulmonary hypertension
                   an elevated hemidiaphragm and enlarged proximal pul-
                   monary arteries. Blood D-dimers (breakdown products
                   of fibrin) are of reasonable sensitivity but high specificity
                   and are therefore useful for exclusion in cases of low
                   clinical suspicion. A ventilation perfusion (V/Q) scan is  Aetiology
                   usually diagnostic, but is less helpful if the chest X-ray  Pulmonary hypertension may be secondary to a variety
                   is abnormal. Spiral CT pulmonary angiogram normally  of diseases, or more rarely a primary idiopathic form.
                   demonstrates the clot(s) within the pulmonary vascula-  Causes can be divided into
                   ture. The ECG may be normal or (particularly in larger  1 Increased blood volume passing through the pul-
                   emboli) reveal:                                monary circulation as occurs in left to right shunting
                     Tachycardia.                                 (septal defects, persistent ductus arteriosus).

                     Acharacteristic S 1 Q 3 T 3 pattern. This refers to an S  2 Increased left atrial pressure, which causes an increase

                     wave in lead I, and Q and inverted T wave in lead III.  in pulmonary venous pressure. This in turn raises
                     Right ventricular ‘strain’ pattern – T wave inversion  the pulmonary capillary and arterial pressures (left

                     in leads V 1 –V 4 .                          ventricular failure, mitral valve disease, cardiomyo-
                     Tall peaked P waves in lead II (p pulmonale).  pathy).
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