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                                                              Chapter 6: Disorders of the bladder and prostate 263

                  Microscopy                                     symptoms than α-blockers. It seems to be more effec-
                  Benign epithelial proliferation with large acini, smooth  tive in those with very large prostates and its effects
                  muscleandfibroblastproliferation.Oedemaandinflam-  may improve with time.
                  mation are common, as are areas of infarction.  Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) has been
                                                                the standard treatment. The procedure involves removal
                  Complications                                 of prostatic tissue using electrocautery via a resecto-
                  Bladder decompensation – due to chronically increased  scope from within the prostatic urethra, under general
                  residualvolumes(urineretainedaftervoiding),theblad-  or spinal anaethesia. Post-operatively patients require
                  der may become less contractile, lowering flow rates fur-  a three-way catheter and continuous bladder irrigation
                  ther. Obstruction may lead to dilated ureters and kid-  to reduce the risk of clot retention until haematuria is
                  ney(hydroureter,andhydronephrosis).Itmayalsocause  mild.
                  ARF or CRF.                                      Early complications: Post-op (immediate) haem-
                                                                 orrhage, urethral blood clot and urinary retention.
                  Investigations                                 Antibiotic prophylaxis is usually given to prevent
                  Itisimportanttoexcludeothercausesof bladderoutflow  urinary tract infection. Hypervolaemia and hypona-
                  obstruction or bladder instability.            traemia with a metabolic acidosis may occur (TURP
                    FBC,U&Es,serumprostatespecificantigen(PSA)and  syndrome) due to absorption of irrigating fluid (may

                    urine microscopy and culture are routine.    be > 1 L).
                    Urodynamics: Maximal urinary flow rates less than 10  Later complications include: ≤14% become im-

                    mL/second are almost diagnostic of bladder outflow  potent, retrograde ejaculation, epididymo-orchitis,
                    obstruction.Between10and15mL/second,combined  bladder neck contracture or urethral stricture requir-
                    pressure/flow studies may be done to exclude those  ing surgery or dilatation, incontinence. About 20%
                    with other problems, as resection of the prostate in  require further TURP within 10 years.
                    these patients may not relieve symptoms. The disad-  Other options (not widely available) include:
                    vantage of the latter, is that urinary catheterisation is     Stent which is cost-effective in those with a short
                    required.                                    life-expectancy or temporarily for patients unfit for
                    Bladder scan: This simple scan uses ultrasound to  surgery, e.g. due to recent MI, and has less operative

                    measure the post-voiding residual volume is useful.  morbidity.
                    Patients with a high residual volume are at risk of     Microwave ablation by transurethral catheter (TMT=
                    bladder decompensation and UTIs.             transurethral microwave thermotherapy) or transrec-
                    If there is evidence of renal impairment, renal USS  tally.

                    should be performed to look for hydronephrosis.     Electrovaporisation utilises electrical energy to va-
                                                                 porise prostatic tissue, with the advantage of no
                  Management                                     further sloughing of tissue and less bleeding post-
                  In patients with mild symptoms, monitoring may be  procedure.
                  advised,assymptomsoften improveovertime.Forthose     Endoscopiclasermayresultinlessbleedingandshown
                  with moderate to severe symptoms the choice is between  to be as effective with similar costs to TURP.
                  atrial of medical therapy or surgical therapy.     Radiofrequency ‘needle’ can be used, although further
                    Drugsareaimedatrelaxingthecontractilecomponent  treatment is often required within 5 years.
                  and reducing the volume of the prostate.
                    α-blockers such as doxazosin, terazosin and tamsu-

                    losin improve symptoms and bladder outflow rates  Urinary incontinence
                    in 60–90% of patients, but may cause unacceptable
                    hypotension.                                Definition
                    Finasteride is a 5 alpha reductase inhibitor which in-  Urinary incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine

                    hibits the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestos-  from the urethra. It has a major physical, psychological
                    terone. It is also useful, but generally less effective for  and functional impact on the individual.
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