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                                                             Chapter 7: Disorders of conciousness and memory 317

                  Clinical features                             flour (the natural thiamine is removed by milling, so it
                  CJD presents as a rapid onset of dementia, characteris-  is replaced by law in most countries), fortified breakfast
                  tically with myoclonic jerks (in ∼90% of patients, but  cereals, milk, eggs, yeast extract and fruit.
                  not in vCJD). Extrapyramidal signs and upper motor
                  neurone signs occur frequently. Sensory signs and symp-
                  toms and psychiatric symptoms occur in vCJD, but are
                                                                Thiamine is an essential factor for the maintenance of
                  uncommon in other forms.
                                                                the peripheral nervous system and the heart. It is in-
                                                                volved in glycolytic pathways, mediating carbohydrate
                                                                metabolism. Deficiency leads to ischaemic damage to
                                                                the brainstem.
                  and small vacuoles in the neuropil which has lead to the
                                                                 If patients are given a large dose of sugar, the increased
                  term ‘spongiform encephalopathy’.
                                                                thiamine requirement to process this may precipitate the
                                                                syndrome, so thiamine should be given together with
                                                                intravenous glucose in a hypoglycaemic alcoholic.
                  CT brain scans are usually normal, but serial scans may
                  show rapidly progressive ventricular enlargement and
                  cortical atrophy. MRI in vCJD only shows increased T2  Clinical features
                  signal in the basal ganglia.                  Wernicke’s presents with confusion, double vision and
                  EEG is often abnormal in sporadic CJD.        unsteadiness, with an acute or chronic onset of nystag-
                  CSF is unremarkable and has normal protein levels.  mus. Other signs include ptosis, abnormal pupillary re-
                  There are raised levels of a normal intraneuronal protein  actions and altered consciousness. It may present with
                  (14-3-3 protein) detectable in the CSF of patients with  headache, anorexia, and vomiting. Untreated Wernicke’s
                  CJD, which may simply imply rapid neuronal death, but  can lead to irreversible Korsakoff’s syndrome and/or
                  can be a useful marker.                       death with coma within 2 weeks.
                    There is no reliable method of confirming diagnosis  Occasionally, patients present with Korsakoff’s, with
                  except by brain biopsy or postmortem. vCJD may be  arelatively selective although profound deficit in ability
                  suggested by the finding of prion protein on tonsillar  to acquire new memories. This leads to confabulation.
                  biopsy, although this is not yet a reliable clinical test.  Otherintellectualfunctionsarerelativelywell-preserved.
                                                                Patients may have a peripheral neuropathy due to other
                  Prognosis                                     nutritional deficiencies.
                  The disease is fatal within 1 year of onset of symptoms
                  for most forms, but 2 years in vCJD.
                                                                Diagnosis is usually clinical, and on response to thi-
                  Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome
                  Definition                                     vate are increased, but treatment should not be delayed
                  Wernicke’s encephalopathy is a triad of confusion, oph-  whilst waiting for results.
                  thalmoplegia and ataxia. Korsakoff syndrome is a loss of
                  short-term memory and disinhibition, leading to con-
                  fabulation. These result from thiamine (vitamin B 1 )
                                                                Urgent thiamine i.v. or p.o. Treatment of Wernicke’s en-
                                                                cephalopathy may unmask Korsakoff’s syndrome.
                  Usually seen in alcoholics, but may also be seen in star-  Prognosis
                  vation, malnutrition, parenteral feeding without vita-  Recovery is prompt in most cases, occurring within
                  min supplements and chronic vomiting, e.g. hypereme-  24–48 hours. There is more residual impairment in
                  sis gravidarum. Thiamine is present in fortified wheat  chronic cases when the diagnosis is delayed.
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