Page 398 - Medicine and Surgery
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                   394 Chapter 9: Dermatology and soft tissues

                   Prognosis                                    Investigations
                   Withouttreatmentpemphiguscarriesahighriskofmor-  Biopsy of an intact blister for light microscopy and direct
                   tality. With combination therapy the mortality rate is  immunofluorescence for IgG and complement seen in
                   around 5%, mainly due to sepsis and other drug compli-  a linear pattern along the basement membrane of the
                   cations. Most patients require long-term immunosup-  blister.
                   pressive treatment with maintenance therapy to remain
                   in remission.                                Management
                                                                Patients have traditionally been treated with systemic
                                                                corticosteroids, with azathioprine, cyclophosphamide
                                                                and methotrexate used as steroid-sparing agents. Recent
                   Definition                                    data however suggests that topical corticosteroid therapy
                   Pemphigoid is a chronic, blistering autoimmune disease  is effective in both moderate and severe pemphigoid.
                   of the skin.
                                                                Often self-limiting with remission allowing cessation of
                                                                treatment after 1–2 years.
                   Twice as common as pemphigus.
                   Age                                          Dermatitis herpetiformis
                   Mainly affects patients over 60 years.
                                                                Dermatitis herpetiformis is a primary blistering disorder
                   Sex                                          associated with coeliac disease and other autoimmune
                   M = F                                        disorders.

                   Aetiology/pathophysiology                    Prevalence
                   Linear polyclonal IgG autoantibodies and complement  1in 350–400 patients with coeliac disease.
                   are found at the junction of the dermis and epidermis
                   causing the release of proteolytic enzymes, which dam-  Age
                   age the basement membrane. Circulatory autoantibod-  Teenagers and young adults.
                   ies against basement membrane glycoproteins BP230
                   and BP180 can be demonstrated in the serum of most  Sex
                   patients. These may however result from keratinocyte  M > F
                   damage rather than be the cause. Individual’s HLA
                   haloptype may make them susceptible to production of  Aetiology
                   theseautoantibodies.Drugsincludingpenicillamineand  Eighty-five per cent of individuals with dermatitis her-
                   furosemide may cause an acute pemphigoid, which re-  petiformis have small bowel mucosal changes with vari-
                   solves on stopping the medication or they may unmask  ablevillousatrophyonsmallbowelbiopsyeveniftheydo
                   latent pemphigoid that persists and behaves like non-  not have the clinical features of coeliac disease. Both dis-
                   drug-induced illness.                        orders have similar HLA haplotypes and autoantibodies
                                                                to endomysial, gliadin and reticulin antigens. Dermatitis
                   Clinical features                            herpetiformis is also associated with other organ specific
                   Patients present with widespread blisters and erosions  autoimmune conditions.
                   typically in the flexures, groin and axillae, which are of-
                   tenitchy.Cicatricialpemphigoidpredominantlyinvolves  Clinical features
                   the mucous membranes, especially the oropharynx and  Erythematous itchy papules and vesicles over the exten-
                   genital region with scarring.                sor surface of the extremities and on the trunk.
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