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                                                                 Chapter 2: Rheumatic fever and valve disease 41

                  Lancefield group A (Streptococcus pyogenes). Risk fac-  centre over the trunk and limbs, which appear and
                  torsforstreptococcalinfectionincludepovertyandover-  disappear over a matter of hours.
                  crowded conditions, the reduction of which, together     Subcutaneous painless nodules may be palpated over
                  with the increased use of antibiotics, may well explain  theextensorsurfaces,tendons,jointsandbonypromi-
                  the decline in developed countries.            nences.
                                                                Minor manifestations:pyrexia, raised ESR/CRP, arth-
                                                                ralgia, previous rheumatic fever, long PR interval on
                                                                ECG and a leucocytosis. Non-specific symptoms include
                  It appears that antistreptococcal antibodies crossre-
                                                                malaise and loss of appetite.
                  act with antigens in connective tissues, particularly of
                  endothelial-lined tissues such as blood vessels, endo-
                                                                positive throat culture, elevated antistreptolysin O titre
                  cardium, pericardium and synovial membranes. All
                                                                or other streptococcal antibodies is suggestive.
                  three layers of the heart may be affected (pancarditis);
                  the characteristic lesion is the Aschoff’s nodule (see in
                  section Microscopy below).                    Macroscopy
                    Pericarditis: Nodules are seen within the pericardium  Fibrinous vegetations form on the edges of the valve

                    associated with an inflammatory pericardial effusion.  leaflets with associated oedema. Valve leaflets may fuse
                    Myocarditis:Nodulesdevelopwithinthemyocardium  and scar, particularly affecting the mitral and aortic

                    associated with inflammation. This may result in de-  valves.
                    creased myocardial function and left ventricular fail-
                    Endocarditis: Nodules may form anywhere on the

                                                                Aschoff’s nodules are granulomatous lesions composed
                    endocardium, but tend to cause more damage and
                                                                of a necrotic core of degenerated collagen surrounded
                    erosion when they occur within the heart valves as
                                                                initially by macrophages and lymphocytes. Over time
                    vegetations. These may result in an acute disturbance
                    of valve function.
                                                                inucleated. Nodules heal by scarring.
                  Recurrent attacks may occur over many years.
                  Clinical features
                                                                More than 50% of patients with acute rheumatic cardi-
                  There may be a history of pharyngitis in up to 50% of
                                                                tis will develop chronic rheumatic valve disease 10–20
                  patients. The diagnosis is made on two or more major
                                                                years later, particularly mitral and aortic stenosis. These
                  manifestations or one major plus two or more minor
                                                                may be complicated by atrial fibrillation, heart failure,
                  manifestations (Duckett Jones criteria).
                                                                infective endocarditis and mural thrombus formation.
                  Major manifestations may be remembered as PACES:
                    Pancarditis presents with new or changed cardiac

                    murmurs (due to endocarditis) and the ECG changes  Investigations
                    of myocarditis and pericarditis. A pericardial friction     Cultures of blood and tissues are sterile by the time
                    rubmay be audible due to pericarditis.       rheumatic fever manifests, but throat swabs may be
                    Arthritis affecting multiple large joints that ranges in  positive and there may be serological evidence (raised

                    severity from mild aches to severe non-destructive  antistreptolysin O titre or other antistreptococcal an-
                    arthritis, which may occur sequentially in different  tibodies).
                    joints (flitting arthritis).                    Non-specific indicators of inflammation, such as a
                    Chorea (Sydenham’s chorea) is characterised by jerky  raised ESR and leucocytosis.

                    non-repetitive movements associated with reduced     ECG shows prolonged PR interval and non-specific
                    muscle tone. Postpuberty this manifestation is con-  Twavechanges. Pericarditis may initially result in
                    fined to females.                             widespreadSTelevation,concaveupwards.Afterafew
                    Erythema marginatum is an erythematous rash com-  days ST returns to the isoelectric point and there is T

                    posed of red, well-circumscribed lesions with a pale  wave inversion.
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