Page 19 - PMH CATALOGUE 2017.
P. 19


               PART No: PMH-BURNS KIT-8484

               The medium Evolution Burns Kit contains:

               1 x Quality Cotton Crepe Bandage - 10cm
               2 x SP Silver Foil Emergency Space Blanket - Adult

               1 x Red Evolution Burns Box - Medium

               2 x Burnshield Hydrojel Dressing - 10cm x 10cm

               1 x Burnshield Hydrojel Dressing - 20cm x 20cm

               8 x Burnshield Burn Blot Sachet

               5 x 20ml Sterile Saline Pods

               2 x Pairs of Large Blue Nitrile Gloves
               1 x Leukopor Low Allergy Tape - 2.50cm x 5m

               1 x Wall Bracket for Medium Evolution Box

               1 x Tuf Cut Paramedic Shears - Red

               1 x Wall Mounting Bracket
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