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       Why awareness matters

       What does it take to dodge Anthropocene bullets, asks Ben Collyer

                                 subservience to human will.  We need these moments of  and mystery of the world their
       Being Ecological by Timothy Morton,
                                   It is an error of thought and  meditation, he suggests, because  knowledge reveals, and that this
       Pelican Books             rule-making that first arose  such sensory and conceptual  awareness is exactly why they
       Our Oldest Task: Making sense of our
                                 when agriculture sundered the   awareness might incline us to see  campaign. He complains that
       place in nature by Eric T. Freyfogle,  domestic sphere from the wild.   a plastic bag blowing down the  science approaches its activism
       University of Chicago Press
                                 And this soon evolved into the   street in its future existence,  with “data dumps” that fail to
       WHAT on earth would two   fixed “eternal” social orders and   too – possibly choking a seabird.  engage the population at large.
       humanities scholars know about  rigid monotheisms of ancient   To permit such connection is   This is fair. But rather than
       ecological destruction and how  states and the medieval world.  also to yield to beauty and disgust,  engaging more with the raw
       to tackle it? While this is a puzzle  While the Enlightenment’s   to an acceptance of enchantment   science, Morton seems to
       one might be tempted to pass by,  struggle for individual freedoms   and mystery as essential aspects   turn away.
       that could be a mistake.  began to loosen some of the   of rationality. Ecological politics,   Being Ecological is the
        Campaigning scientists are  shackles of political oppression,  for Morton, is“about expanding,  culmination of a series of books
       understandably frustrated and  the objectification of nature                    by Morton on a common theme –
       baffled that governments and  lingered on, enshrined in law  “The greatest impediment   and the most accessible. But he
       influential players don’t grasp the  and in the way we think.  to addressing our   remains content to use the same
       urgent necessity to reverse global  In Being Ecological, Morton  ecological crisis is the   small set of biological and social
       warming and pollution. They  tackles the problem from inside  anthropocentric illusion”  reference points. And rather
       should welcome two professors:  the whirl of everyday thought.                  than expand that set, which
       Timothy Morton, of the English  But he tries to look forward and  modifying and developing new  would be helpful, he returns to
       department at Rice University,  imagine modes of thinking  forms of pleasure, not restraining  the humanities. For example, it
       Texas, and Eric Freyfogle, a law  more attuned to the reality  the meagre pleasures we already  would be fascinating to hear his
       emeritus from the University of  of our interconnection with  experience because we are only  thoughts on quorum sensing,
       Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  the biosphere. Stop for just a  thinking in ways that our current  where organisms simultaneously
       Both shed useful light on the  moment, Morton urges, and sense  modes of doing things allows.  change their behaviour when the
       mindset of non-scientists, and  the squiggling bacteria in your  What would pleasure look like  density of the group reaches a
       point to a more holistic approach  gut. Now visualise all the plastic  beyond the oil economy?”  certain level.
       for both sides of the science-  fragments in all the oceans of the  This is interesting territory,  Shouldn’t Morton be
       humanities divide.        world. Can you see them, feel  made more so by a curious  encouraging his humanities
        Both insist that it won’t help  them? They are not“out there”,  omission. Morton never considers  readers to follow him into the lab
       to panic; instead, we need to  they are interconnected with us in  that ecologists might already  and science lecture theatres to
       understand the phase through  time and space.        experience the enchantment  learn the detail required to help
       which our social institutions and                                               science improve its enchantment
       modes of thought are passing.                                                   skills? After all, using his
       If we don’t take these cultural                                                 philosophical work to illuminate a
       factors on board, we will be unable                                             richer set of ecological discoveries
       to act effectively on the science.                                              can only be a good thing for
        According to these authors,                                                    ecological awareness.
       the greatest impediment to                                                       Or is this to utterly miss his
       addressing our ecological crisis                                                point, and be guilty of just more
       is the pervasive anthropocentric                                                “scientism” and data dumping?
       illusion underpinning current                                                   Morton isn’t really clear.
       human relationships. These                                                       There is no such inconsistency
       interactions continue as if                                                     in Freyfogle’s Our Oldest Task,
       humans are separate from                                                        informed by years of practical
       the biosphere, and as if nature                                                 interaction with land managers
                                                                                      ALEX WEBB/MAGNUM  the more enticing parts of his
       can be forced into mute                                                         and ecologists. As Morton does in
       Ecological campaigns need to                                                    analysis, Freyfogle promotes the
       run on hope, not consumer guilt                                                 idea that ecological campaigns

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