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Darren Schalk
                                                                       Heritage Ministries Coordinator
                        HERITAGE MINISTRIES

               HERITAGE UPDATE                                                      IN HIS PRESENCE

                                                  NEW ROAD
                                            COMPLETED AT                                   MINISTERS
                                                FIELDS OF THE
                                                      WOOD                               James Glenn Farmer
                                                                                           Buford, Georgia
                                                                                            April 4, 2017
                                         Much  is  being  done  in  preparation  for  the   Licensed minister for 48 years
                                         Assembly  event  at  Fields  of  the  Wood  taking
                                         place  on  July  17,  2018—painting,  trimming,
                                         clearing,  mowing,  cleaning,  etc.  But  one  of   Earlean Emerson
                                         the biggest challenges was the need to create   Hamilton, Alabama
                                         a  new  road  at  the  top  of  Prayer  Mountain.  August 28, 2017
                                         Leadership  is  anticipating  several  thousand
                                         visitors  for  the  Assembly  service,  and  to   Licensed minister for 56 years
                                         make  parking  and  exit/entry  as  smooth  as
                                         possible,  a  new  road  was  created  beginning   Minerva Pratt
                                         at  the  top  of  Prayer  Mountain  leading      Andros, Bahamas
                                         down  toward  the  entrance  to  the  park.
                                         For the Assembly service, cars will park on the   August 1, 2017
                                         old runway. The road leading up to the runway   Licensed minister for 37 years
                                         will now be one way and will wrap around to
                                         the front of the park, creating a one-way loop    Ivy N. Lightener
                                         to and from the parking area. This will hopefully
                                         ease  the  parking  issues  for  the  event.   West Columbia, Texas
                                         Darren Schalk, Heritage Ministries Coordinator,   September 7, 2017
                                         said, “This road was made possible by a single   Licensed minister for 61 years
                                         donation of over $6,000. I’d like to say, ‘Thank
                                         you,’ to the donors from all of us here at Fields
                                         of the Wood. They have met a great need. May    Betty Jane Stanford
                                         God  richly  bless  them  for  their  generosity.”  Missouri, Texas
                                                                                         September 17, 2017
          HAVE YOU MADE PLANS TO JOIN US AT FIELDS OF THE WOOD ON JULY 17, 2018? Mark   Licensed minister for 28 years
          your calendars! Service will be held from 10:00 a.m. till noon with more events to follow
          during the afternoon.                                                        Leonard Joseph Pittman
                                                                                          Waycross, Georgia
          Is God asking you to help with the park renewal? If so, you can simply go to   November 21, 2017
  and give!                                                Licensed minister for 65 years
                                                                 —Darren Schalk
                                                     Heritage Ministries Coordinator     Calvin Coy Lineberry
                                      HELP US                                          Lexington, North Carolina
                  PROCLAIM GOD’S FAITHFULNESS!                                           November 17, 2017

                                                                                     Licensed minister for 46 years
          VISIT WWW.COGOP.ORG - click on “DONATE” then select “QUICK GIVE”
          and select “FIELDS OF THE WOOD” from the drop-down list, or make your            Betty J. Vicars
          check or money order payable to Church of God of Prophecy and mail it to     Greenville, South Carolina
          P.O. Box 2970  Cleveland, TN 37320-2970.                                        November 7, 2017
                                                                                     Licensed minister for 68 years

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