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Who knows what                                                                             Cinema Curated

        we’re capable of?

                                                                                   Lady Bird

                                               The Shape of Water

           Darkest Hour
                                                                                   Greta Gerwig’s impressive directorial debut stars
                                                                                   Saoirse Ronan as a seventeen year old desperate
                                                                                   to get away from her Californian town and Catholic
                                                                                   high school in order to be somebody – she’s just
                                                                                   not quite sure what kind of somebody she wants to
                                                                                   be yet. Christine ‘Lady Bird’ McPherson dreams of
                                                                                   escaping to university on the east coast, mostly to
                                                                                   spite her mother Marion (Laurie Metcalf) who
                                                                                   wants her daughter to go to a local, less expensive
                                                                                   college. Her difficult relationship with her mother
                                                                                   propels Lady Bird to act out, not just with adopting
                                               Guillermo del Toro weaves an extraordinary  her preferred nom de plume, but with trying out
                                               fairy tale of love, desire and monsters in the  new friends and sexually experimenting with two
                                               gorgeous creature feature THE SHAPE OF WATER.  very different boys (Lucas Hedges and Timothée
                                               Sally Hawkins stars as Elisa, a mute woman who  Chalamet). Gerwig crafts a masterful study of that
                                               works as a cleaner in a secret high-security
                                               government laboratory in the midst of 1960s Cold  period of life for teenagers when adulthood and
                                                                                   freedom seems so close and yet so far. With Ronan
                                               War paranoia. But within the facility is something
                                                                                   delivering the most accomplished performance of
                                               that will cause Elisa’s lonely life to start singing –
                                               an aquatic, humanoid creature (Doug Jones) who  her career thus far, LADY BIRD is a must-see
                                               has been dragged from the watery depths and now  confluence of  women making heartfelt art.  (CTC)
                                               lives in a tank. Witnessing the horror that the
           Within days of becoming Prime Minister of Great  ghastly federal agent Strickland (Michael Shannon)  “Feels thrillingly real and deeply personal, every
           Britain, Winston Churchill (Gary Oldman) must face  wants to subject the creature to in order to turn  single beat ringing true.”  The Guardian
           one of his most turbulent and defining trials:  him into a weapon, Elisa comes up with a plan to
           exploring a negotiated peace treaty with Nazi  save her pescatorial beloved. With supporting  Director: Greta Gerwig
           Germany, or standing firm to fight for the ideals,  turns from Octavia Spencer, Michael Stuhlbarg and  Release date: February 15
           liberty and freedom of a nation. As the unstoppable  Richard Jenkins, THE SHAPE OF WATER deftly
           Nazi forces roll across Western Europe and the  whirls through classic film genres and soars to the
           threat of invasion is imminent, and with an  heights of a great love story. It’s a film that chooses
           unprepared public, a skeptical King, and his own  kindness over cruelty, the impossible over the
           party plotting against him, Churchill must withstand  ordinary, and the love that a human woman can
           his darkest hour, rally a nation, and attempt to  feel for a 7-foot tall supernatural fish-man!  (CTC)
           change the course of world history. Gary Oldman’s
           tremendous performance as Churchill has  “A ravishing, eccentric auteur’s imagining, spilling
           garnered near universal praise. He is surrounded  artistry, empathy and sensuality from every open
           by a gifted supporting cast including Kristen Scott  pore.”  Variety
           Thomas as Clementine Churchill and Ben
                                               Director: Guillermo del Toro
           Mendelsohn as King George VI.  (PG)
                                               Release date: January 18
           “Oldman ensures that every line hits home as surely
            as any bullet. It’s a towering performance.”
            Screen Daily
           Director: Joe Wright
           Release date: January 11

                                                                               380 Lygon Street Carlton
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